
Why would Sarah Palin be an advocate for special needs children now when?

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she reduced the availabilty of monies for the cause previiously. Although I do not live in Alaska, I have a special needs brother who would have benefited like her 4 month old son will now do. I respect her choice of keeping her child, but we had to raise Stephen on our own, with little benefit and now she decides that the cause is worthwhile because she now has a down syndrome child (our brother is down syndrome) Thank you.




  1. She only looks out for self interests.  

  2. She is a republican. She doesn't like giving away any more money.

  3. There are many resources out there for downs children I am surprised that they have not been offered to you including SSI..

    I am a CCMA and a mother of an autistic daughter

    OBAMA In 08

  4. Because she was told to support the topic by the GOP to win votes from an untapped group of voters, which has been pushed under the rug and forgotten by other politicians.  However, i would research if mccain is in support of this.  You can view his legislation and issues at


  5. What exactly is her son getting that your brother did not?


    ADD:  If I am wrong, please tell me what benefits your brother missed out on that her son is getting.  You should stop with the baseless accusations.

  6. You answered your own question: " she decides that the cause is worthwhile because she now has a down syndrome child."

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