
Why would Senator McCain choose someone as his VP currently under investigation?

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Why create this level of uncertainty and buzz while still campaigning for the Presidency?

This lady with her pending investigation will be the News story for months to come.




  1. Nothing fair in love and war,here in politics all swayed by gimmick.

    Political gimmick/stunt.Good or Bad nothing matters.The only objective is to win,by hook or by crook.

  2. Because he has bad judgement.

  3. he didn't do due diligence just like W did with WMDs. he'll get us into another war the mcSame way if elected.

  4. Biden is being investigated too regarding his son and lobbyist ties.  The L.A. Times covered it.

    The L.A. Times just popped a big story the Obama-Biden folks don't want to be reading the night the Delaware senator introduces himself to the nation: a potential conflict of interest involving Biden and one of the nation's biggest asbestos litigation law firms — which also happens to be his top contributor.

    The report seems to provide fuel to Obama supporters enraged Illinois senator picked a running mate with such deep ties to the D.C. cash-politics-lobbying world.

  5. Why did Obama pick Biden, whose entire family seems to be under investigation?

  6. wasn't his choice,he was talked into it..

    not much a "maverick" if u ask me...

  7. because he didn't pay his investigators enough money to do their homework.

  8. Clinton made it trough his state police issue and so will Sarah

  9. Because he will win the election with her as a VP choice.

    Why don't you Google "Tony Rezko" to look-up the $14 million dollar crime Obama committed...

  10. Because he wanted to "tap that sh*t" if you know what I mean...

  11. Based on what the McCain campaign has confirmed, it is clear that Gov.Palin wasn't thoroughly vetted. The legislative investigation of Palin is serious and once again brings up the judgment of McCain. Palin's investigation could well lead to criminal prosecution and impeachment. For those who are grasping at straws regarding Sen.Biden, the worst case scenario is a possible conflict of interest. Nice attempt at distracting from Palin's serious legal troubles.

  12. So who isn't under investigation nowadays?  

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