
Why would Switzerland remain neutral in WW2?

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Logically if the Axis were able to stabilize Germany, Italy, Poland and France the Swiss would be doomed. I don't understand why they would think they could remain neutral forever, at some point the Axis would have come knocking.

Is there something I'm missing?




  1. Because they haven't entered into any war since 1815

  2. Switzerland has been neutral since the Middle Ages. It's true that this country doesn't have a large army,but all male citizens are required to do two years of military service.And because of that ,it's a joke that you may try invading Switzerland,but be ready because every Swiss home has a gun.

  3. Don't mess with the Swiss!  

    They have a very powerful armed forces, in fact.  Every male gets compulsory military training, and goes off to review this every year.  They have stores of tunnels in the mountains, holding enough food to last for years, in case of war.  Plus, they love their guns like Charlton Heston.

    Considering all of the above, their terrain, and their great economic power, the Swiss would make a formidable enemy.

  4. Switzerland was able to remain independent through a combination of military deterrence, economic concessions to Germany, and good fortune as larger events during the war delayed an invasion.

  5. Money. The Swiss banks were their biggest lenders, if the n***s invaded Switzerland the banks would not be able to bankroll them anymore.

  6. I'm not sue I know what you mean.  The Swiss have remained neutral for any number of good reasons for a very long time.  Mostly Business.  Peace is good for business, so is war.  The Swiss had everything to lose and nothing to gain by choosing a side.

    The Swiss had nothing to fear.  Swiss mountain infantry is renowned for their marksmanship.  I read once that a German officer asked a Swiss army officer "What would the Swiss do if a German Army ten times as big as the Swiss invaded?"

    He answered, "Every Swiss soldier would shoot 10 times."

  7. Lots.  Germany's war aims were the conquest of living space in the Western portion of the Soviet Union and the reuniting of the Germans under n**i rule.  The Italian war aims were the rebuilding of the Roman empire in North Africa and Greece.  Switzerland was not really a part of either Axis nation's goals.  Moreover, Switzerland has been neutral for many many years, and is no military threat to either Italy or Germany.  In fact, the Swiss were the bankers for Europe, and thus for the Italian and German fascists.  Finally, taking Switzerland (like Portugal, for example) would have been far more trouble than it was worth.  The Swiss have a stance of neutrality, but they have a good defensive military force and excellent weapons.  he terrain favors the defense greatly, as well.  An invasion of Switzerland would have cost a great deal of casualties and considerable time, and would also have forced the Swiss to destroy much of the information on various acounts, thus leading to the sort of economic chaos that would have seriously hurt both Italy and Germany.  Remember, having the Swiss remain neutral was actually in both the Axis and Allied favor.  It allowed for back channel contacts, quiet diplomacy and the continuation of the European economy even while Europe was embroiled in war.  

  8. Switzerland was officially neutral, but not really.

    The Swiss were very instrumental in allowing supplies to go their country for Italy and Germany.  Factories produced weapon components for Germany.   Most importantly, the Swiss laundered a lot of money for the Germans that was siezed from Jews.  I

    What "neutrality" did for the Swiss was to save it country from being a battlefield, and it kept its military at home.  Geneva provided a place to conduct diplomacy.  

    Even though the Swiss certainly were tied to the Axis powers, there was the fact that the Swiss did allow refugees from Axis countries to stay.  Some Jews and others found some sanctuary in Switzerland that kept them from being interned in a concentration camp or prison.

    So you make a good point, but keep in mind that the Swiss had a hold over Axis powers, and most of that was financial power.    


  9. Because Switzerland doesn't have an army.  They barely have enough security force to keep the peace at home. They're surrounded by mountains, a natural barrier.  It's almost impossible for anyone to get in.  Besides, why would anyone want to take over Switzerland? It has absolutely no strategic value whatsoever.

  10. Nobody ever messes with Switzerland. They have a very hard position to take with little to no value to hold during wartime. Hitler had to use other resources elsewhere, he was already fighting on to many fronts. Switzerland knew this and saw absolutely no reason to poke the dragon. The US was in the same boat. But the Japanese attacked us first so we entered the war. Switzerland would have done the same thing, if attacked.

    Another interesting fact about Switzerland. Military service is mandatory. All of there citizens have been trained in the military, even if only for 4 years. Do you want to mess with those people?

    Also to the guy above me - Switzerland doesn't have an army?

  11.   Declaring war on Germany, a neighbor, would have doomed them sooner.  They could make the Germans pay for attacking, but had no strength to defeat them.

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