
Why would a 17 year old girl marry a 92 year old man in Egypt???

by  |  earlier

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i'm 32 and people would probably tell me a 17 year old is too young for me.

not that i care what they say or think but a 92 year old??




  1. Money Money Money. I don't think there is any other reason.

  2. money or power

  3. There Aren't 92 Year Old Egyptians Ever Heard Of Mortality Rate

    How About This?,It States The Guy Was From The Gulf Probably An Arab  So Call It A  Crazy Hunch But I think He's Rich

  4. doesnt take a genuisss. well she will only need to put up with him for a few years. and in them few years he will spoil her rotten, and when he dies she will get every penny and all he owns. and then she can start to live her real life with a young gorgeous man.

    tahts arab women for you. i know. happended ot my grandad. married a 21 year old and he is 80!!!!

    soem of these peopel are saying she may have had no choice hahaha. if your arab then you know what arab women are liek snakes tehy haev everyuthing planned out in their heads tehy know exactly what they are doing.

  5. did she have a choice?

  6. For the same reason it happen in Iran, even in some European countries by the way!

  7. its not marraige its called in my vocabulary buying yourself a woman ,such women dont want a man ..they want a future which means what materialistic things can buy

    so bottom line ,a lot of dough ,money ,cash ,.finances whatever they call it

  8. money

    a stupid girl

    selfish family

  9. um money money money or else he must have the d**k of a god lmao excuse my language

  10. yes, sometimes for money, but some girls think they are doing their duty.. maybe it's a tradition. maybe they believe thats what their gods want them to do!

  11. "why would a 17 year old girl marry a 92 year old man in Egypt???"

    Do you recommend another location, lol?

  12. !

  13. CAN'T be, the age difference between them is 75 yo ....

    i don't believe these kind of news, i think its just a fake propaganda to destroy the picture of Egyptians (& arabs) infront of the whole world

    its an OLD game people

  14. I am not sure of the reason why you didn't see the word "banned".

    The marriage was banned by the Egyptian ministry of justice.

    As for the reason, well.... it has nothing to do with "Egypt". It has everything to do with money and greed.

    Remind me again, how old was Anna Nicole Smith when she married that old guy for his money?

    And that was in America.

  15. maybe for his money

  16. because 92 year old is the best youth age now days

  17. normal people there dont do that. there must have been something up.

  18. :O.

    i finks its cos of parents punishing her or is dis even true doe? ..ok u may can da bbc news evidence..but remeber da midia lies! and also ders no face picture of both of dem!!!

  19. well , u r mixing things , and this may happen anywhere and everywhere..


    so dont just restrict it to egypt ..

    egyptian girls r known as the best ever..

  20. Money.

  21. As per ismaily answer, Anna Nicole Smith marriage in America answers ur Question ,its every where not only in Egypt .BTW ,most of the information there in ur link are 100% WRONG

  22. i think it is wrong...

    how do you say "disgusting" in arabic?

    that's really unusual. and he is not Egyptian anyway.. and besides it is against the law in Egypt.

  23. He must be rich or she has nasty powerful parents who forced her.

  24. As you would have noticed from the article he is not an Egyptian and she is not permitted by Egyptian law to go out of the country with the intention to marry him.

    Of course this cant stop the marriage taking place but it would not be recognised as a legal marriage in Egypt if she returned.

    Anyway unless he has a very good stock of viagra,and it an exceptional man I'm sure the marriage will be able to be legally annulled even after he dies.

    Then hopefully she inherits all his Saudi money and marry whoever she wants to.

    So on her behalf, its not a bad investment for a max of  4-5  years..

    These types of crazy marriages take place all over the world, all the time. This world has some very peculiar people living in it, but so long as its not your girl friend hes wanting to marry, don't worry about it..

  25. money

  26. money maybe?? maybe she's planning to bump him off and take the inheritance.

  27. maybe because the old man's either rich or a hypnotist.  and maybe because the girl's either blind or stupid.

  28. It's not the normal tradition in Egypt for girls to marry muchhhhhh older guys, it's an extreme case that doesn't represent the pattern of marriage in Egypt, so please stop restricting all of your questions to Egypt

  29. i have no clue why.

    most people think its the money but. just because it happens to most doesnt mean it happens to all.

  30. um probably his balls dropped. i mean really dropped to the floor. lol. i dunno man ppl are weird these days you kno.

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