When he can come and go as he pleases, doesn't have to pay rent, food, utilites and drives a new truck provided by his USMC sister now serving in Iraq? He has no job nor does he go to school. His dad gives him no responsibilities around the house or property, (he says he's asked but his son won't do it), This kid clearly takes advantage of his enabling family members. Here I come into the picture, not afraid to tell the "emperor" that he is really naked. Normally I would have just kept quiet on my observation but his refusal to "pitch in" around here financially or physically, affect not only the ones who enable him (their fault) but I feel puts a strain on my contributions. If he helped out with the every day chores and expenses around here, maybe we ALL would get to play like he does all day. His dad tells me not to be upset, he'll be out on his own soon. I believe this kid will NEVER leave, why should he?