
Why would a 7 yr old girl have blood in urine?

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my daughter was having pains in her belly so i brought her to the drs they said the spot that hurts her is were her bladder is.they did a urine culture and it showed no uti but a little blood in her urine.they sent it out somewhere else to get tested and i had to bring her for a stomach xray.what could this be caused by?could she possibly have a kidney stone at a young age?i have kidney stones and it makes me worry.if any1 has any ideas plz tell me im buggin out here.




  1. My friends daughter had a kidney stone when she was 9, part of the reason was too many soft drinks. Same symptoms, abdominal pains and blood in the urine.

  2. It would be unlikely that she started menstruating, but I did have a friend that started her cycle at 8. Could she have a urinary tract and/or bladder infection? I hate to bring this up, but is there any way that she could have been sexually abused?

  3. she may have her period at a young age. any questions about it? email me.

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