
Why would a cat suddenly develop a humping habit?

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I've had my cat and dog for three years. In the past two months my neutered cat is making unwelcome sexual advances on my male neutered dog. The vet can't find anything wrong with him. He is 5 year old neutered male and very healthy. Suddenly he has become obsessed with my 15lb dog, almost nerotic about humping him. Sadly, it has gotten to the point that my dog can't sleep unless he goes in him kennel because everytime he lies down the cat takes it as an open invitation. My poor dog is pooping on the cat's bed now (must be payback) but the cat isn't getting the less than suttle hint that the dog is not interested. Help. Scolding/spraying/spanking the cat only seems to upset my dog more because he thinks he is in trouble too. My dog is becoming nuts and my cat is a pervert. If you have helpful hints to stop the behavior that won't freak out my emotionally sensitive k9 that would help.




  1. It can also be a dominance thing.  Maybe the cat just wants to feel like he's in charge.  If that's the case then punishing him probably isn't going to help and you'll have to find a way to make him feel comfortable enough that he doesn't need to abuse the dog to feel confident.  

    Has anything changed lately that could have shaken up his world to the point where he lost confidence?

    He could also be a jerk who thinks he can get away with abusing your dog - again, for dominance, not for s*x.

    In either case maybe the vet could recommend a feline calming product like these: to get the cat ease up on your poor doggie.

    good luck!  

  2. when an animal does that there is something in the air that someone is in heat and it could be as far away as couple miles and they an smell it and also the males again will mark their territory and it can happen if they are fixed or not. taekc are the vet shoudl know this and i think he does why he didnt' tell you i think i would change vets i have done so in previous times cause you need a vet not stomone trying to spend your money.

  3. hahahaha!

  4. put mint or citris on the dog where the cat would have its face while humping. make it strong. or if you know a smell that your cat doesnt like but your dog wont l**k off then put in on your dog. if your cat doesnt stop id call your vet again.

    good luck =]!

  5. Maybe it's a subliminal message that he/she wants another cat to 'play with'!

  6. Your cat is not pervert it is just the nature calling on him to chase your k9. your k9 has to be relax and you pay too much attention to your dog.  

  7. Cats get horny too!

  8. Maybe you should call an animal psychic. or use catnip to keep your cat drugged up all the time? that might make the situation worse actually.

    Your situation is totally bizarre...

  9. Cat puberty?

  10. Maybe you could try a spray bottle with water and spray him when he does the unwanted act.  Or use an air can with air under pressure (keyboard cleaner) and the hissing sound will startle him but not harm him.  All it is just air, no chemicals.

  11. my cat doess that too...but only to blankets and other soft things...uhh maybe  keep them in diff rooms for a little while...

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