
Why would a company call you for an interview if they don't have any positions available?

by  |  earlier

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I got a call for a job interview. They want to do an interview, but said there were no positions open right now. Why would they want to waste my time?




  1. They would call you for an interview so that they know you are a qualified canidate and are interested in the job.

    It also may mean they are getting ready to fire someone, so watch your back if you do go to work for them.

    Good luck.

  2. headhunters just resume gather. even if you ask them if they have anything you'd be qualified for they'll lie to you, drag you in, waste your time and money and THEN tell you they don't have anything.  personally, i don't deal with employment agencies.

  3. They may be having a position opening in a few months and want to start the search now.

  4. They are not wanting to waste your time - - if they are spending their time too, they believe it's for a good reason.

    a)  They may be one of those recruiting companies who want you to pay them to revamp your resume and market you for a job.  You can find that out on the phone, or ask them for their website and see for yourself.

    b)  OR they like your credentials and expect to have a relevant position opening up in the foreseeable future.  They want to meet you to see if you're a good candidate for them, so when that opening is available they have a good plan of action.

    What have you got to lose?

  5. Sometimes going to that interview will open up a position because you are qualified for something in their office. Sometimes they just like what they see on your application and want to see what your like in person, if they like you then they just might hire you because you have the type of personality they need in their company.

  6. They are interested in YOU, but not anyone else.

    If you pass the interview, they'll have a job for you.

    Best of luck. Dress up!

  7. They are impressed with your res and want a face to face it the interview is good they will find a place. This is flattery in the biggest way

  8. 1.) Pipelining-- they might have a position in the future, this is specially true when a company has a high rate of attrition, that is people don't stick around. The company knows that they will have to hire in a few weeks anyhow. Better be ahead in the game by interviewing people.

    2.)Practice--HR personnel need to be trained in how to conduct an interview, so hey, why not ask someone to come in for an interview. You be the guinea pig basically.

    3.) Cook the books-- Make the hiring process look legit, that is they already have chosen the person but they need to show that hiring rules, regulations and statutory requirements were fulfilled.

  9. They need to know if you are qualified and available.  Plus, they said it: no positions right now, but they will in a short run.  Maybe they'll need to fill in a position with some urgency, so they need to have a candidate ready when the time comes.

  10. They would not be doing this without a reason, after all they also have to invest their time and resources for the interview.

    Agencies usually do this so they and test you well ahead of time and whenever they have a position open matching your skills they can place you right away.

    Companies usually do when they are not sure if the position is open or not. i.e they need someone but the position has not been approved by the upper management.

    Hope this helps.

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