
Why would a convicted child molester...?

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move into a "Family" trailer park, less than a mile away from an Elementary school? Why did management allow it?

He is old enough to live in a "Senior" park away from children, and he has made it clear that he has "plenty of money"... to afford to buy a house if he wanted... but he chose a "low class" trailer park instead.

Does this scenario seem odd to anybody else?

I got to "know" him before I found out he was a convicted child molester (still has to register)... and though I am not accusing him of anything, I got the creepies twice when I saw him watching the little neighbor girls playing. Still "perverted" or not, he has chosen an environment that I thought was unallowed by California law. I need more objective opinions on this please.




  1. I would make a poster on a piece of paper with all of his information written down on it including a picture of him!  And then run, not walk to your nearest Kinko's and have 100 copies made and post them at every available spot.  He must have slipped through the cracks and thank god you are there to alert these poor family's that don't have a clue.  Thank you for being concerned.  Not enough people like you in the world.

  2. It sounds like the fact that he moved into your park was by design so he could watch those little girls.  Keep a close watch on him.

  3. I don't know the details of California law, but it sounds like he is avoiding registering.  I thought they would be registered before they were let out.  Maybe ask the local cops...they should have someone who's supposed to keep track of those registrations.

  4. you can do a search of the registered s*x offenders from the internet.

    this link below is very informative.  

  5. A person like that doesn't deserve a roof over their head at all. And yes it does sound odd.  

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