
Why would a dead person attach himself to a living person?

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I'm interested as to why _some_ dead people can and do attach themselves to living people? Why can't all dead people not attach? What is the criteria for attchment? I know a few people who died unexpectedly with a bunch of unresolved question and issues. Why do they not come around and communicate with me?




  1. You have asked many questions on this one post so let me first say way to max out your 5 points.

    Let's start. I'm not sure what you mean by dead person (I'm going to assume you mean a ghost and not a Zombie with superglue). Second what do you mean by attach? I'm thinking that you mean they appear (or other unexplained things happen) around one particular person. If you are speaking about poltergeist activity (that does typically center around a person and not a place) then the current theory is RSKP (recurrent spontaneous psychokinesis) and the cause is thought to be emotional conflict that the person has not expressed (or has no safe way to express)

    So, if this is the case (and not a ghost) then the criteria for what seems like attachment to a person would be the above.

    Next, How do you know that questions and issues remain unresolved even after death? If one reads the research and reports carefully one will find that the unresolved issues are those of the living (where is the last will, I wish my sister and I had made up before she died, I can't believe the last thing I said to my father was I hate him, etc.)

    Thus, I would suspect they would only come around if you had unresolved issues that needed to be addressed, In this case ghosts (more properly apparitions) may appear to you or a person to give you a sense of final and happy good byes, to comfort you, you to support you, etc.

    Now of course one that does not experience these things may only accept these experiences as wishful thinking, hallucinations, etc. and in some cases they might be.

    However, this phenomena (ghosts) has existed for thousands of year, people have found comfort in it (visits from mother, etc.) and society has yet to fall back into burning witches and science books because of this belief.

    Of course Poltergeist activity is not comforting but is often a way to bring attention to a conflict (or emotional needs) that need to be addressed in a health way so this (like that honest conversation with your children or spouse) can be painful but ultimately helpful.

  2. You've seen this happen?

    My answer to your question is that there is no reason to think that they do. Even if they do, the criteria you ask for could only be a matter of religious musing since there is no scientific evidence for such a thing. In other words, you can make up anything you want about dead people "attaching" themselves, and so can anybody who answers your question.

  3. Well, it depends if the spirit is positive or negative. A negative spirit attaches itself to you because it feeds off of your fear. I will do whatever it can to make you afraid, it feeds off of the energy you put off when you're afraid. Fear is a very powerful thing.

    If they're positive spirit (meaning, not negative or evil) and they're attached, it's most likely (in my experience) because they see something in you that they felt they were missing in their lives. Like a mother figure, etc.

    The people you know who died--what makes you think they have unresolved questions and issues? But why don't they? Could be they do and you just can't see, feel, or hear them. Could be they've moved on and crossed over and don't feel the need to come back, but I tend to think it's more the former than the latter. If they truly do have unresolved issues (and that's up to them to say), chances are you just can't hear them. It's not always the way you see on TV. In fact, it rarely is.

  4. dead people do not attach themselves to anybody. Ghosts are not able to attach themselves to anybody unless they are in the same location. The theory is that ghosts are made up of energy, and they have to recharge in order to manifest themselves. In order to follow someone, they would have to use up that energy to attach and follow someone. In other words, like a battery, they would run down using all their energy to do this this in essence killing themselves. And since ghosts are the life energy left over from a human, the fight or flight urge would take over for self preservation.

    What your talking about is demonic activity. demonic entities can attach themselves to a person following them and in extreme cases, possessing them. That is a huge problem if this happens. That's why I always tell people, leave it alone, don't ask to see something or have something happen, you may get more than your really want in the end.

    EDIT: much like the total agreement in Physics? Zach there is no total agreement in anything unless your a communist or socialist, then you have agreement by force.

  5. With all the ghost experts on here.You would think there would be some agreement on their who,what and why.There is not, just faith in their existence.So just accept whatever sounds right to you or make something up yourself.It's all equally valid.

    edit.See what I mean?Every expert knows.

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