
Why would a guy call just to hear your voice?

by  |  earlier

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like my friend told me if a guy calls you and has nothing to say they just want to hear your voice




  1. Some guys are corny like that but mostly it's a line. If it's the beginning of the relationship guys tend to put all the stops to get into your pants. You got to take comments like that with a grain of salt but don't start accusing him of anything if that happens.

  2. For the mere fact that nothing happens without a reason. I think that guy might be interested in you or the person he called just to hear that person's voices. It is like when someone miss the other, hearing that person's voice or receiving a message from that person will make everything go smooth and as a result life will be enjoyed.

  3. um ok there looking for attention i guess but i think its ignorant like why would men to that for

  4. becasue either they like you or your voice is the most attractive thing in the world which would also end up probably with him liking you

  5. codependence?? lonelyness??? he has something to say and not the balls to say it?? that would irritate me. i hate talking on the phone if you called me and sat in silence i'd seriously hang up on you!

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