
Why would a guy do this???

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What would be the reason that a guy (he is 17 years old) would keep glancing at me in class but never talk to me?

also, whenever he sees me he just stares at me. but he doesn't talk to me and we only talked once last year for a project. this eyecontact stuff has been going on for OVER a year now.also when he looks at me i ignore the glance or pretend i don't see b/c i suck when it comes to guys. i really like him though.

also once when i was walking out of class and he saw me behind him he improved his posture and stood up straighter.would that be a sign he likes me or am i analyzing too much?

he is not shy with his friends he is really outgoing when he is around them and he asks lots of questions in class.

last week i was walking up a flight of outdoor stairs. there is a bench on the lower level that you can see when walking up the stairs. i looked down at the bench and there he was. he was biting his nails and looking directly at me. we held eyecontact for 2-3 seconds.




  1. He's definitely interested or he wouldn't keep looking.

  2. Man this reminds me of my twin sister and myself when we where in high school.  We would analyze guys so much.  Honestly they are not that complex and believe me if you knew at your age, what I know now........   guys are weird, so what if he is popular,  popular guys usually like normal girls.  Not the fake n bake popular ones at school.  FYI those girls don't change.  You'll see them at your ten year Reunion, living in the same town you went to school  very sad!!   anyone, take a chance say Hi one day,  if he responds, strike up a conversation.  If you have a crush, go for it.  Take it from me. You do wonder what if!!!

  3. There are two possible explanations for his behavior:

    a) he likes you, or

    b) he's a creep.

    I was in the same situation for a while, and I never asked the guy what was up because I was too shy.  Eventually we went to different schools, but looking back on it, I think he probably liked me.  The whole popular/not popular division seems to be a lot more real to girls than to guys...guys don't play by the social rules as much.  I think you should talk to him and try to figure out what's up!

  4. he totally likes you!! just take a chance and ask him out!! it's a 50 50 chance and it sounds like he likes you he just hasn't exactly gotten the new girl figured out!! if he doesn't make the 1st move you should!!!

  5. yea, he likes the new girl.

    He's too shy to make the first move.

    that's too bad though.  

    Maybe the first move will have to be made ON him, rather than BY him.

    good luck.


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