
Why would a guy want to make sure that i can't have any relationship with any females? what does that?

by  |  earlier

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mean? i don't get it




  1. That's bugger all details you've left us there but I'll have a stab at it. First thing that comes to mind is control. A persons motives for control vary. Could be to avoid pain of some sort. Could be because he's just damned nasty. I'd say the first reason is probably closer to the mark. A person would need a deeper level of insight into the circumstances to fully understand the motives. But it does sound like there's an underlying issue there. Whether it be control, insecurity, or, as you put it, just mean.

    Just keep this in mind ..fear does crazy things to our minds and behaviors.

    Good luck Chickadee.

  2. .......once u start liking females,

       you will not like the males and your taste may change,

       so he ..............

  3. It is a means to control a person. This is a typical method used in abusive relationship (I have been in 2). First, an abusive person will convince you to stop seeing certain friends, then all your friends, then your dog, then your family member. In a way, this leaves the partner alone and without support from others...and the person will have total control. It will all start innocent, then more evident when unfortunately it is too late.

    I don't personally know you, nore your situation. I'm only telling you what I know. Your case may be different.

  4. It's kind of manipulative techniques.

    I don't really want to sound interfering b/c i don't know you or your situation, but usually, people who are obsessed with someone block off all contacts just so the two people can be together..and it gets out of control sometimes..

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