
Why would a literate and/or intelligent person buy The Sun?

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Just noticed a post wondering why people think Sun readers are illiterate and it made me laugh! Does anyone actually think The Sun is a news paper? I thought it was just a gossip rag really with a few bits of news to fill up space between the semi-clad bits of stuff.




  1. I know a few journalists for the broadsheet papers and they make stuff up as well to meet deadlines etc and don't even begin to talk about the BBC-  unfortunately our powers of discernment are stretched now as never before.  If you've been blessed with a half decent education and a brain you can cross-check most information on the internet now, notwithstanding the occasional flying penguins.

  2. Do you actually read it? I mean really read it. You will find it covers all of the major news items in the world and it explains very complex issues in simple language so that even someone like you who makes such a fatuous remark can understand them.

    If however you want to gaze at page 3 and read about all of the other human stories in there then carry on. But don't judge the whole of the paper just on this.

  3. As Ronnie Barker said as Fletcher in "Porridge" - "Bring me a copy of The Sun would you? - Oh and something to read an' all."   :)

  4. It's the most popular paper in the country so it seems to be a case of everyone is out of step but you and your snobbish attitude.

  5. LOL indeed.

    The Sun is supposedly Britains most widely read "newspaper". Which backs up the idea that people are generally stupid and need everything dumbed down.

  6. Just for giggles.

  7. You have to have a sense of humor now and cant be all stuffy all the time.

  8. hey, its just light entertainment and i like the sports coverage.

    do you have to read the broad sheets to be classed as literate. They all tell lies so dont believe what you read, are you some kind of litery snob .

  9. You've started something now haven't you?!!

    First thing, get over yourself, take a peek at Private Eye for a couple of months, the 'Streets of Shame' section for an education. If anything our broadsheets have more to be ashamed of than The Sun ever will. At least The Sun does not pretend to be anything else than what it is.

    I really want to go to town on you but I won't  be too harsh, simply because you misunderstand the point that people buy different papers for different sorts of news.

    I tend to find that those who want to sneer at The Sun tend to do so more so because of it's editorial stance. I don't find these critics condemning the likes of Hello magazine to the same degree. Then again Hello magazine does not have a political stance does it?

    It is my assertion that critics of The Sun see that newspapers readership as fodder for its political stance, the thick readership drawn in by page 3, it's vacuous celebrity tittle

    tattle and for some readers perhaps the sports coverage.

    The letters page of The Sun could be used as evidence for the critics assertion, so what. I think it is plain jealousy, the critics cannot bear the thought that The Sun's editorials are more in tune with the average brickie, dustman, etc than The Guardian's for example, ever will be.Readers of  The Guardian et al, the self proclaimed protectors of working class people.

    How ungrateful, hence thick, Sun readers must be, eh?

    All that political clout of The Sun's readers, you know it, but cannot influence it in your favour. How frustrating is that?

    The editorial policy of The Sun reflects too many people's hopes and wishes, frustrations and fears my friend.

      Oh, I could type an essay here but what's the point? Don't worry though, you'll grow out of it. One day you might even get a job and have responsibilities, until then....

  10. I know someone who buys the Sun.  He is a graduate, very intelligent and literate.  he also loves football and he buys it for the sports pages only.

    I am literate and intelligent, although I can't boast to having a degree, even though I conslder myself to be well read.  I read tabloid news simply because I like the chat and gossip in there and, even though I may not always fully believe it all, there is usually at least, a grain of truth there, especially when they have a go at the politicians.

  11. I bought it once to read carefully and see what it was really like.  It was a waste of 20p.

    All they really print is celebrity tittle-tattle and football 'news' with the odd rant against Labour from their so-called political editor.

  12. You're thinking of The Star.

    And The Sun is newspaper enough to have tremendous political sway...that's why politicians are always grovelling to Murdoch.

  13. I read the sun and take it for what it is. Gossip, c**p, sport,c**p politics, c**p. Its a bit of escapism and stupid throwaway rubbish! Does anyone really take it seriously?

    If i want in-depth news I read telegraph, guardian, independent.

  14. entertainment perhaps.

  15. To wrap their chips in...

  16. When Murdoch bought The Sun and moved production lock, stock & barrel to Wapping, the few remaining real journalists left at the shoddy treatment meted out to themselves & the print workers.

    It can't be a surprise to anyone with half a brain that it's so popular-with so many Burberry wearing, Big Brother watching, celebrity worshipping f#ckwits dragging their knuckles along the pavement these days, The Sun perfectly suits the low IQ, apathetic, chavvy culture that has all but consumed British life. Kelvin Mackenzie managed to turn moronic reporting and ultra-low rent news into an art form (just ask Hillsborough victim relatives), and his legacy has been carried on by successive chief editors. Whilst there are so many idiots willing to lap up the s**t that the sun (small case intended) peddles, it will no doubt continue to sell copies by the millions.

  17. I buy it, and believe i am literate, smart, clever, and can string two sentences together without saying innit, which is more than i can say for some of the twats i see on this site, who profess themselves clever because they read the Guardian and  have a couple of O  levels.

    I also read the Telegraph, Times, when i have time, and can do both crosswords with some ease, so there.

    This gets up my nose as you might have guessed.

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