
Why would a male teacher give a female student an A? when she have not done much in his class?she sit?

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around and talk to her friends and sometime she ignore him, and still get an A, but she always prepare herself in his class, and she's never late. why can't he give her a B, why an A




  1. I used to be kinda like that.  I'd sleep in class...maybe write notes to friends...but I was just a really good test taker.

    Give him the benefit of the doubt.

  2. I would hope it's because she was always prepared and never late.  That's often enough to get an A, especially if attendance can affect the grade.  Always being prepared is the key, and, occasionally, the more obnoxious student can end up with an A this way, while a "nicer" but not academically perfect student (who the teacher may even like better personally) ends up with a lower grade.  The other way it could happen is if the teacher is letting something else guide his grading (i.e. she is attractive), and that of course should mean that the guy should not be teaching.  Hope that's not the situation.  In any case, I agree w/Mike S above.

  3. The teacher sounds like a major perv if her gives her an A but she isn't all that great. Being on time is expected, she shouldn't get good grades based on that. And so is being prepared for class. She sounds like she deserves maybe a B-.

  4. She is probably still doing all the work that she needs.

    When I was in high school I paid attention about half of the time and still got all A's...I know it totally doens't seem fair.

    But maybe she just picks up stuff really fast and then gets bored...I was totally like that.

  5. Uhh, maybe she is scores high on tests and you say she is prepared in class, so that covers homework too. Its annoying but thats how some smart people are, they don't pay much attention yet they do well. Its not that fair.

  6. Perhaps if you viewed the teacher's gradebook it might give you some insights... test scores, quizzes, homework assignments, etc.  But since you shouldn't look there, why even worry about someone else?  Focus on your education and forget about it.

  7. Maybe she does well on tests, and maybe, just maybe, she has excellent grammar.

  8. I slept in most of my high school classes. The work was too simple. I didn't need to pay attention. 90% of test questions were taken from the summary of every chapter in the text books.

    Was I smart or were my teacher's lazy?

  9. there are more to grades than what you perceive.  Maybe she did well on all her tests and hw

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