
Why would a man go to an Obama rally?

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and say something derogatory? Then get into his hummer and run away like a scared chicken? Do you guys think this was a good way to show his support for Mccain? Well in the end he got what he deserved his car was keyed with Obama '08 I really wish I had of been there to take a pic of it. I agree that it was childish of the person to key his $100,000 hummer as he says but what he said which I can not repeat defiantly was deserving of it. He's just lucky his @ss wasn't kicked or gotten thrown in prison because what he said was a felony.

What are your thoughts?




  1. So you think it's okay to damage someone's property because they have a different opinion than you do?  If I see a vehicle with an "Obama '08" bumper sticker on it, I shouldn't think twice about busting the windows?

  2. Well if you are in America nothing you say can be a felony not yet at least that may change if he gets elected! What makes it OK to key someones car? Ever heard sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me? Or how about this one "turn the other cheek-God" I dont know what this guy said, but I am sure that the insurance will pay for the damage! Oh and about felony's. Depending on the amount of damage done to his truck that could be a felony!

    If I was him I would NOT get it fixed until after the election to show other folks how retarded obama supporters can be! You don't see any cars trucks or suv's running around that say Ron Paul '08 or McCain '08! I am a Ron Paul supporter I have been called all kinds of names! I don't need violence to prove a point you people do it for us!

    Have a blessed day!

  3. hey if i had a 100,000 dollar hummer and cash like that guy i be voting republican too but honestly people like that are the reason we have violence int his country no need for that plus mccain looks like he belongs in an oldfolks home ~Obama~Biden 08  

  4. Well we all will be watching the Republican convention for similar incidents and god help the liberal who does something as childish as this person and you know as well as I do someone will. Its hows us all how pathetic both parties have become.

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