
Why would a mother duck sit on her eggs

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for 2-3 weeks, then suddenly give up and abandon them?

There is a nest and the mother, like gave up after sitting on them for a while and now there just out in the open in the nest.

Does anyone know why she would do this? Does she know there is nothing in them?

I'm really curious, I've never seen a duck do that before.




  1. Sounds like they weren't fertile.

  2. To heat them up so that people can eat them easily.

  3. because she can keep them warm with her feathers. So they can hatch and become chick.

  4. probably to start preparign to feed them or come back wen dey fully grow to a young duck and show it how to get food and leave again forever

  5. so they can be warm.

  6. they get tired of sitting on the eggs after a while. they eventually figure it out that the eggs are duds. lots and lots of experience with this.  

  7. somtimes the mother duck just needs a break and will return to her nest after a while she might do this a few times its normal when i had ducks thats what they would do they would get off the nest and go for a swim then return maybe to keep the eggs at the right temp the sun will regulate the eggs tem for a while the the duck should return hope that helps :]

  8. she probably knew that they weren't develpoing

  9. unfertile

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