
Why would a mother send her son to ballet classes ?

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My daughter attends ballet classes.I don't have a problem with that, girls dream of being a ballerina.In her class is one boy who wears a pair of black tights a frilly girly blouse and who has long blond hair.To see him prancing around with the girls makes me worried.He will grow up effeminate and will have problems relating to other boys.Cant his mother see this?




  1. Alot of football players attend ballet class to help with agility and flexibility. Her also just might like to do ballet. There are tons of cute guys in ballet whjo are straight. The guys that do ballet are always the ones who get the hot girl ballerinas. Every guy dancer that auditions for a ballet school gets in because there are so few male ballet dancers.

    He would make loads of money and get to put his hands all over hot girls. If  I was a guy I would do ballet.

    All guys that do ballet get huge or full scholar ships to college.

  2. You seem to be laboring under the misconception that ballet will somehow "turn" a young man g*y - when in reality g*y and L*****n people are born that way.  Ballet will do nothing for the young man except make him happy, fulfilled, graceful, strong and physically fit.  BTW, why are YOU worried - he is not your son...Let the kid do what he wants and be happy.

    My son was a dancer for many years and has no problem relating to other guys as he is now a United States Marine (and he has had plenty of female company)

  3. Ever heard of Mikhail Baryshnikov?  Rudolf Nureyev?  Both some of the most amazing dancers I've ever seen, hands down.  That includes girls.

    First of all, I find that the strongest and most masculine of men are dancers.  That may seem like a paradox, but when you're dancing in tights and wearing makeup, how insecure in your masculinity can you be?  Furthermore, I can't think of a stronger type of men on Earth than dancers.  Think about it -- dance works every single one of the muscles to a rigorous extent, meaning they aren't just buff in the arms.  If you've ever watched an intricate pas de deux (in case you don't know what that is, a pas de deux literally means "steps of two", and it's a partner dance between a male and a female ballet dancer), you'll know that it takes phenomenal strength to pull off what some of these dancers are doing.

    It's really disappointing to see such an uncultured society in which people believe all male dancers to be g*y and effeminate.  Male dancing is an art form, and it's sad to see that people can't appreciate it properly.

    Pas de deux:

    Mikhail Baryshnikov:

    Rudolf Nureyev:

  4. What's wrong with a guy doing ballet? Guys doing ballet are often stronger than any sport can get them. The blouse thing is weird however, why be sexist? Ballet is for EVERYONE, and ballerinas need partners for their partnering dances. He shouldn't have trouble relating to other boys if maybe he does other sports alongside ballet. Please calm down about this, it's no big deal (but he should get rid of the blouse).

  5. A mother would send her son to Ballet for several reasons.

    If he wanted to go - no parent would force a child of either s*x to dance.

    Other, additional reasons are covered above, apart from one I can think of. Because Ballet and Drama and Music making develope team work and excellence in working with others, but are not tribal like football. At the end of a ballet, everoneone claps because it was superb, not because one lot beat another lot.

    And have you ever read of Ballet Hooligans? Actor Thugs? Violin Violence?

  6. i think ballet is not restricted and should not be, only to girls. it's a form of dance. on the issue of being infeminate, i think, it's the parents responsibility to guide him properly. but, i think, many forms of dance actually just helps u have more discipline, and better form, as well as health. so, i don't think its much of a worry.

  7. why not he might turn out like billie

  8. I've been studying ballet for 9 years and every year there was at least 4 boys in our class. None of them are tending to be g**s or have problems with the other boys.

    Just so you know  more than 40% of the kids at bolshoi ballet (greatest ballet in the world) are boys.

  9. Boy can to ballet -- get rich on it

    Also many top class sportsmen do ballet as part of their training -- because it improves fitness and coordination.

    Wearing clothes does not make boys effeminate, it is something they are to begin with. -- If he is leave him alone

    Long hair has nothing to do with it either, Think of all the rockstars with long hair, or their roadies.

    The boy is happy, he has no problems with ballet.  

    Why should you??

    He is a boy being friends with a room full of girls,  

    He might be more confident and understanding when it comes to dating in the future.  Leave him alone.

    Your argument is not sound,  Reverse your complaint - a boy hugging other boys when they score a goal -- This thought has lead to all kinds of silly ideas from adults.

    Let the Kids be kids, without imposing our social hangups that we have learned from silly adults who imposed them on us,

    Not that it matters - what is the age range of this group of kids?

  10. TRUST ME! He may not seem like the type of ballet boy, but there is NOTHING  wrong with a guy dancong ballet. We have, like 7 at our studio THAT I KNOW OF. They enjoy it plentifully. The only problem is that this kid has issues with wat to wear to class.

  11. If the boy has this talent who are you to cast a doubt on his future?

  12. Umm hello? R  u stuck on stupid? Wouldn't it make sense to be the only guy in a class full of other girls? duh! plus male dancers are some of the best out there. Kind of like male cheerleaders. Wow this is a stupid question. Why are you worried about it anyway? And maybe the boy likes todance ok?

  13. Rio Ferdinand was offered a 5 year ballet scholarship, but turned it down as he was also offered a professional football contract.

    There is NOTHING more exciting than watching a strong, male dancer performing excellent ballet.  You should watch clips of Nureyev on YouTube (though a live show is better); and you should also watch Billy Elliot (a film), and guess which character is most like you!

    Have you any idea how mentally strong a boy has to be to attend ballet classes?

  14. So what if he does grow up effeminate? If he's happy then stop being so judgemental and let him be. Ballet doesn't have to be a girl's activity, it's just stereotyped that way.

  15. 15

    and i'd love to know a boy to pair up with to do ballet.

    i think its amazing.

    theres nothing wrong with being different.

    if the boy likes to dance theres nothing wrong with it.

    some boys might not like football

    like some girls dont like the colour pink


  16. Male ballet dancers are amazing athletes.  Ballet is great for children as it improves posture, agility, and muscle tone.  This child is not your son so it really is none of your business.

  17. Boys can actually make shitloads of money doing Ballet, more than girls because so few guys do it

    And he could spend that money on drugs and prostitutes, plus girls seem to like that sorta guy so dont worry :)

  18. Don't stereotype!

  19. You don't know the background story, he might of been the one who wanted to do ballet, and the boys I know who don't really relate to boys, they never did ballet.

    Besides, does it really matter if he has problems relating to other boys?

  20. Baryshnikov went to ballet classes as a child as did some of the best male dancers in history so what is so female about it?

  21. at my friends studios,  there are about 5 guys all in company, all in ballet. 2 have scholorships already offered to them. and My best friend is dating a guy who takes ballet, it won't make them g*y, he still pals around with the guys, but hes not so mean to the girls compared to normal guys that arn't in dance. I think your the one with the issue, and not the boys mother. how dp you know that HE didn't ask to take dance. and dependng on the age of the child, long hair is in, and the tights may be a requirement of the studio.

    My advice to you, stop being so closed minded. i guarentee that people will say stuff about your daughter just as you are sying stuff about this boy. and karma may get you and she may go out with a "ballet Boy" when shes older

  22. wow, all i can say is that this really disapoints me.

    edit- not the fact that he does ballet, the question is what worries me.


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