
Why would a movie/documentary cost money if what the "real goal" is to inform?

by  |  earlier

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I don't mean all. I know some are about actors, real life events, etc, but why would videos that have an agenda, like an Inconvenient Truth, need to be sold, for sometimes $30! I just don't understand why he needs to sell so much if he really wants to get the message out there.

I really wanted to start up a debate, just to see peoples opinions.




  1. Sure.

    Why not?

    Without working capital.

    How to create miracles and wonders.

    With two empty hands.

    Surely will borrow then pay later.

    Unless we have a magic wand like Harry Potter.

    Luke 8.10,17

    What do you think?

  2. The whole process costs money. Most documentaries don't make a great deal of money if anything at all; there aren't many "March of the Penguins" movies out there. So people need to get paid all the way down the line in the process.

    And they aren't as popular as typical new releases, so they can't sell them for $7 each at Target because not enough copies are sold. There are economies of scale, as you can imagine. The producers probably are looking to merely break even on these projects, and sometimes they do ... if they are a little lucky.

  3. because it takes time and money to create and time= money.. people who work behind the scenes for the production of the movie, research etc all requires money

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