
Why would a person go to an?

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Mormon website, or watch an anti- mormon "cartoon" to get information about the LDS church? Why not ask it's current members? If I wanted to find out information about Catholicism, I wouldn't go to an anti-Catholic site or listen to what an ex-Catholic says, since they are probably bitter. I would ask a practicing Catholic who is happy in their faith, since they would be able to actually tell me what they believe and what they are really taught.

Just wondering....




  1. Your persecution complex is showing. Maybe you just really need to believe the worst about people who don't share your faith, but the world doesn't work that way. Believe it or not there are people who know everything you do about Mormonism, have taken Moroni's promise, have lived the lifestyle, served missions, held callings, and then ultimately decided they just couldn't reconcile their faith with reality. An outsider is going to be just as interested in that perspective as that of the person who stays faithful.

    I'm sorry, but the days when you could control the message are pretty much over. Mormonism is now one more ideology fighting for survival in the marketplace of ideas. Welcome to the information age.

  2. They'd rather hear their own sides propaganda than the other side.

  3. I go to myself for info, I am ex-mormon, I left the church because I was a mormon and disagreed with the theology in the church.  

  4. You are correct in your premise that if you wish to know the truth about an organization or a person then go to the actual source.  And not to enemies of that person or organization.  To learn more about God it is best to go to him personally.  Later.

  5. People who go to these things are not really looking for answers. They're just finding more ways to sling mud, magnify their anger and become more "anti."

  6. Most people don't really want their prejudices to be disrupted by the truth. If they only go to the Anti-  sites, they won't have to be bothered with something that disagrees with their notions.

  7. My Fiance' is an Ex Mormon and I've asked him numerous questions about Mormonism. He was in the church until he was 22 and went on his mission and was an Elder before leaving the church.

    Asking someone who's still involved with a religion doesn't give people an accurate view of what's really going on. I've found out about a lot of really messed up, inhumane things that go on in the Mormon church(child abuse, sexual abuse) that someone who belonged would never tell me. Heck, some of the Mormons might not be aware because not everyone goes to the temple. Regardless, some people may give inaccurate or unreliable information if they used to belong to a certain religion but I would listen to them before listening to someone who's been brainwashed.

  8. I have to ask you: how can we EVER know about another group? For some reason people will remain a member of a group no matter how ****** up they know it to be or will somehow ignore all the ****** up aspects of that group and just give you all the propaganda for it. Atheists, (my team) would be subject to this except for one thing: we're technically a non-belief and it's hard to have a dogma when all you believe is "there is no god". It can't really mutate all that much. My question is really 'how do we actually find the truth about this kind of stuff' ?  

  9. Doesn't make sense, does it.  Its like going to a Chevrolet dealer to hear about what a Dodge car is like.  You know ahead of time that you will receive biased information.   In other words, you already have an opinion, and you want to find things to support your already preconceived idea.  It is not a very open minded way to seek information.

  10. If you're going to do anything serious, don't you research both sides?  I do.  If I want to donate to a particular organization, volunteer with one, buy a car, try a new product, I don't want to only hear from people who are happy with it.  I want to hear the other side as well, and make an informed choice.

    The members for the most part only know the sanitized history and doctrine, as is readily evident after listening to them on Yahoo Answers.  Former members, who despite what you've heard are not always "bitter," have taken the time to find the whole story and will give you a more complete picture.

  11. There are 'ex' people for a reason.  You may want to look at both sides of the coin, so to speak, to get a better overall impression.  Take both sides with a grain of salt, and then make your own decision.  

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