
Why would a person preparing to commit murder care if he/she broke a gun law while doing so?

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I don't understand the rationale behind pro gun control advocates. I've grown up in rural areas and always been around guns, though. So I'm wondering if people who are for gun control feel it will make everyone safer by elliminating all guns from society.....or if it is something else. Is it just a innate fear of guns? If I grew up in a city and never used guns for recreation, I might be afraid of them too.

This is not a loaded question (pardon the pun), I was just answering some other gun questions and this popped into my head.




  1. Perhaps I should not answer since I actually have talked with murderers of all sorts. I have lived in their shoes to figure who they are and gotten their confessions.

    The fact that most do not "plan" their committing murder. They may want to do it but when it happens it happens and just like officers killing themselves, having a gun handy makes the use of a gun easier. If they only have knives or baseball bats handy many would not have used them for their murder, it is just to hard and messy for most and even if used has less chance of killing at close range, where most of these shooting murders happen.

    This is just one of the many reasons I am for strict gun control but the one reason that answers your question.

  2. 99.95% of all criminals are m-basal dumb; rare are the genius ones.

  3. If the death penalty does not deter - a gun law won't either

  4. The TRUTH is that if we take the rights of law abiding citizens to own guns away then the only people who will have them are the police, the government, and the criminals! We will have no way to defend ourselves! Then those groups will be able to do what ever they want with us. I live in Texas. When the concealed carry law passed here it took one person legally shooting someone who was assaulting him to decrease the amount of violent personal crimes such as rape, mugging, robbery, car jacking, and assault by 70+ percent for the first year after the incident! Cops still shoot people in the back who are un armed! I would at least like to be able to protect myself from out of control cops as well as the government! Both of which are getting as bad as the criminals themselves! This country is slowly taking more and more of our rights and freedoms away! Some of the real criminals are going un punished. Like those cops who shot the groom more than 50 times and they had no weapons! 3 officers more than 50 bullets fired. Their guns maybe carry 15 rounds, that means they had to reload! Our government should fear us we should not fear our government!

    The problem with kids and idiots accidentally killing themselves or others is from lack of education about guns and gun safety. Used to be back in the day a majoraty of households had firearms of some sort in them. The entire families were educated about them and there were hardly if any accidents! Its ignorance that is getting people killed. Bad parenting and lack of education is to blame!

  5. They probably wouldn't care.

  6. The old saying still holds true:

    "When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns."

    The right to own a weapon comes with the responsibility to store it safely and use it safely.

  7. Taking away guns is not going to stop crime as the real criminals don't follow the law. So the law abiding people get punished because they like hunting and target shooting.Go figure that one out.

  8. Now you know why even most cops hate gun control laws...

  9. Not really much of an answer to the posted question...but...I think that people will often allow emotions to decide rather than thinking and exploring rationally.  Statistics are often used to lend authenticity to a claim without giving any thought to Stop Think Exactly what does that mean?  Saying in this forum that one child per day dies from an accidental shooting or 365 per year sounds horrible.  But if as citizens our goal is to protect children, shouldn't we instead consider outlawing backing up in a vehicle and save 2500 children instead?  A statistic that really gets my attention is that children are much more likely to accidentally drown in a swimming pool than by a handgun.  But we're not running around outlawing swimming pools.  In some areas, we're rational humans who accept the inevitability of death, even in our children.   I totally don't understand the statement "People kill others accidently more than they actually do so while protecting their own life" - I keep reading and re-reading but just don't understand the point?  Isn't it a good thing that people DON'T ending up killing people when they go to protect themselves?  Isn't it actually a victory for people being allowed to have guns?  I don't feel strongly one way or another on the issue.  But some cursory reading on the issue would point out that Europe, which has moved towards the strictest gun control laws in the world, has seen a dramatic increase in violent and fatal crime.  The fact that you can't put an exact # on the amount of people who are alive because a criminal decided not to hold-up a convenience store, doesn't mean the deterrent effect should be ignored.

  10. I am for gun or bullet control, not because of the harden criminal or the hunters.  Every day in our country someone "accidently gets shot, usually children.  There is overwhelming evidence that if hand guns, especially loaded ones, were not around, hundreds of innocents would not be shot every year.

    I see no need for anyone to own an automated machine gun, as those are only used against people and enable mindless murder.  yet they sale them at gun shows in pieces, legally, with videos and instructions on how to put them together and it isn't illegal to sale the ammunition.  In this time of raised awareness about terrorism, how can any politician or sane person think this practice of selling guns freely at "gun shows" is a good idea.

    How would it hurt true hunters or recreational gun owners to have more restricted access to hand guns and machine guns and/or their ammunition?

    There are many bonuses to having stricter gun laws and few negs as i see it.  i own a shot gun and a rifle, but I am very much against legalized concealed handguns and automated machine guns.  

    My neighbor is a guns dealer and he allows people out to where I live to practice shooting these guns into a lake that empties into a river behind my house.  I am very concerned about lead contamination and stray bullets.  One of my cousins shot himself dead with a hand gun he found under his father's pillow.

    I am not alone with my experiences.  Just do a little research.  People kill others accidently more than they actually do so while protecting their own life.

  11. I think you are on the right track here. The only people that gun control laws effect are the law abiding citizens. Criminals will always find a way to get ahold of anything they want.

  12. If they are bad enough to do murder I don't think they will care about breaking a few other laws...but I am against gun control so I can not help you with the last part.

  13. They don't get it and yes for some,it probably stems from a  fear of guns.For others, it is just ignorance that it would stop the murders.After all,if someone is going to commit murder ,the gun laws will prevent them from obtaining a pistol and going through with it.They really don't get it.

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