
Why would a pool pump just suddenly stop?

by  |  earlier

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We are new pool owners and have had people explain care and maintenance to us. We have had the pool up and running without any problem for about a month and then sudenly when we woke this morning our pump had stopped. We checked all of the obvious things, power, breakers, extension cord etc. but nothing. Any ideas?

Oh, it is an above ground pool, a sand pump and only in its third summer of operation.




  1. Maybe the pump ran dry somehow and burnt up the motor.  This happens an awful lot.

  2. an air lock (needs to be primed/filled with water), a blockage to be cleared - , or an internal motor protection overheat switch that needs to be reset - usually in an access panel . - are all possibilities....

  3. Anybody missing any trunks?

  4. heres a few tips here:

  5. its broke.

  6. bent shaft it happens all the time even on a new pump if you just bought it moter maybe covered under warranty usually a year

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