
Why would a possum be out during the day?

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there's a possum in our backyard that is just sitting on top of the fence, even when our dog was near him and looking at him, he just sat there. is there something wrong with him? usually possums don't even come out during the day.




  1. I've seen them a lot during the day.  It's probably just hungry.  It wouldn't surprise me if it just sat there or walked off slowly with your dog there......maybe even play 'possum (no pun intended).  If it's not being aggressive, I wouldn't worry.  It'll probably wander away soon.

  2. While 'possums are mostly crepuscular, they aren't too bright and often come out during the day, especially if food is available.

  3. Maybe he's hurt.  Maybe he can't find his way home after something happened to him at night.  We had a 'possum in our tree for days.  Sooner or later they get over the shock and go home.

  4. to kill you sweetie

  5. not all nocturnal animals are out during just the night. There's many animals busy during the daytime. Although, he may be hurt or lost. Maybe he's sick too. If it's a girl, maybe it's trying to rest, because it's stomach is full of another possum. Who knows the real answer.

  6. It's either, hungry or was disturbed while sleeping. Somebody mught have destroyed his habitat and woke him up so now he is just sitting there. Probably afraid.

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