
Why would a property owner rent housing to s*x offenders while denying people who have poor credit?

by  |  earlier

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I'm in the process of relocating. Prior to settling on a place, during my search, I was surprised to find a number of landlords who specify good credit as a requirement while renting to tenants who are listed on the s*x offender registry.




  1. Even though s*x offenders get put in the s*x offender database, it is illegal to discriminate against them.  So a landlord can't say "No s*x offenders" just like he/she can't say "No blacks" or "No g**s" or whatever.

    But I'm sure some landlords quietly check and politely (or not) deny s*x offenders a rental contract, using a different reason for their denial.  Otherwise they could get sued.


    Sorry to burst your bubble, Trouble, but it IS illegal to discriminate.

  2. I don't know if they are allowed to discriminate against a s*x offender but i wouldn't think much of a landlord credit rating or not that put a child at risk. In my humble opinion.

    Greed profit and money may i ask where you live what town?

  3. are u blond?

    if the s*x offender goes to jail then the land lord get 4-6 weeks deposit without anyone askin anything, cus the offender is in jail, so the lord has got 4-6 weeks paid rent to find some1 else with good credit,

    btw we dont let property to people with kids or if they are polish!!!!!

  4. Unfortunately some people don't care if someone was raped in the place. As long as they get their money on time. This is something that shouldn't happen.

  5. Any sexual, violent or drug related crime is an automatic denial for me. I don't want or need the potential for problems.

    It is perfectly legal to discriminate against criminals.

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