
Why would a "friend" from work sent this message to me??

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I had a colleague at work who really did act like she liked me. She and I had many laughs together and had a great relationship.

I resigned this last week. My manager told me I could go and not stay for my two weeks. ( don't go judging... it's often the case with this company.)

The next morning before my friend got to work I sent her a text tellin her I am not there and ect..

She texted me me back.

"smooth move ex lax.. your lack of professionalism is so apparent. Great job burning a bridge!. I WOULD NEVER DO THAT!

I texted her back and told her that I did have written resignation and it was NOT received well...

I never heard back... and I don't feel like talking to her at this time..

Why would she do that to me?




  1. She's mad cuz your moving on. She's stuck there and probably hates the job. It's obvious she's ignorant, don't worry about her.

  2. She isn't a real friend.She was just someone you chatted with at work to pass the time it sounds like.A real friend wouldn't text something like that.I'd leave it alone.If she chooses to contact you again, ask her why she said that and tell her you didn't appreciate it and go from there.She is probably jealous that you could quit and she is still stuck there so that was her immature way of taking it.There are lots of people like this in the world..

  3. Lol d**n what a smart-*** text!  She might just be the judgmental type, or doesn't see the situation in the same light you do.  She seems offended that you quit, which is ridiculous.  Different people adhere to the rules in different ways, I think she was just very turned off by the way you left.  Were you the only one she got along with?  Maybe she's pissed that she lost a buddy at work, but if you guys weren't hanging out outside of work than I don't see the big deal.  It sounds to me like she's the kind of person that likes to call people out when she sees them s******g up, and doesn't worry about using tact or being nice about it.  

    I agree that it's a rude thing to say, especially the way she said it, but maybe look at it from her position and try to see why she'd say that.  If you care enough, ask her to clarify what she meant.

  4. Sounds like a real 'friend'.  

  5. wait, your written explanation was not received well? i thought you said that your boss told you not to worry about the 2 weeks notice...but you are saying you left on bad terms?  

    hmmm i am guessing your work 'friend" was not as into you as you thought OR she felt betrayed, like if you were so close, why didn't you tell her you were going to quit, instead of leaving randomly one day like that. i am not saying i agree with her, but i am trying to see it from her shoes to see why she might say that.

    if you really care about your friendship, i would try to get in touch with her again and see if she wants to talk.  I do find that a bizarre change of face for a so-called friend, but maybe after you left people thought of you as a "traitor" and she liked you as a "work buddy" rather than a long time friend...

    sorry, people suck sometimes.

    good luck!

  6. It sounds as if she is hurt by you leaving. Some people get like this. She will get over it.. you dont ''belong'' to the company, but some people treat other employees like they do. So forget about her and carry on.. thats all you can do.

  7. Maybe she was mad because you didn't tell her face to face or that you never told her about you wanting to resign. She probably felt left out of your decision making since she considered you her friend. She may also be upset because her work buddy is leaving.

    If you guys were really good friends I would give her time to cool off. If not just don't talk to her anymore.  

  8. Because she feels more loyalty to the company than to you.

  9. Most likely because she heard office gossip that was contrary to the message she received from you.. by hearing backstabbing gossip. She probably didn'[t believe you would be gone the next day without seeing you again.. if you don't want to get in touch with her again then don't but if she apologizes, I would hear her out.. she probably got told two sides of the story and didn't know what to make of it.. of course if she was a proper friend she should have inquired and asked you instead of jumping to conclusions.. but if she was just a friendly colleague then the friendship obviously only lasted whilst  you were working there.

  10. dont worry/ I hate when companies do that.  You have the courtesy to give notice, they didn't deserve you anyway

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