
Why would a rational god require people to have faith that he exists without proof?

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Why would a rational god require people to have faith that he exists without proof?




  1. Faith means that we trust him. We KNOW that He exists.

  2. There so many evidences that GOD exist. The next day you wake up you certainly know the sun will be on the sky giving you light and heat.

    Isn't that good enough of his existance?

  3. If you have faith then you should be able to determine that a such GOD exists!

  4. "Blessed are those who believe and have not seen"

  5. You are alive and breathing; there's your proof.

  6. theres plenty of proof that God exist if you take off the blinders and look

  7. Because aqnyone would believe if there were proof. But to believe without proof is the definition of faith. Faith says I believe and I do not have proof.

  8. Who ever said God was rational?

  9. He wants gullible people in heaven. Well heaven and h**l don't exists.

  10. Uhm... probably because there's no god.

    It's another aspect that really strains credulity.

  11. To ask the question you must first assume that there is universal standard of reason and logic that everyone knows intuitively. There's your proof. If there is no God then there is no reason to make that assumption. If there is no God then all your thoughts are nothing more than random chemical processes in the brain and there is no reason to assume they follow any logical order or rationale. I mean, how do you really know you are even asking the right questions? Yet you require, and have made, that assumption to engage in debate.

    God is a God of logic, therefore I expect his creation to be rational. Without a belief in God, I have no reason to make such an assumption.

  12. What are you talking about....Without proof...The proof is all around you, and there's a whole ton of actual physical proof of many different things....I find your question to be very immature and ignorant....All you have to do is open your eyes, and theres all kinds of proof, but if your just trying to be silly, then, you can, and you are entitled, and who am i to say anything !

    What do you really know about some stuff

  13. you got it wrong. Jesus require faith in order to reveal Himself onto us. after you believe Jesus will empower you with the Holy Spirit. since you want to see proof before you believe , I can't help you there.

  14. There is enough proof He exists to fill several volumes of encyclopedias. But most are ignorant and refuse to accept such simple facts that lay before them.

  15. I think the answers by our Christian friends on this thread make for a very clear explanation.

    "It's obvious that what we believe it is true and if you do not see it you are evil & will burn in h**l God bless"

    Rationality does not enter into it. Religion is not rational, it is emotional.

  16. Here is God's answer to you. Accept or reject it. It is your choice.

    Romans 1:20  For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

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