
Why would a rescue team with a bulky receiver find it difficult to work in a forest?

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in good english please cos i need help on my a spaniard who still are not very good with languange english.




  1. cos is slang for the word "because"

    Words will appear backwards to you.  The describing word,"English" is used before the naming word, "language"

    Proper naming words (noun) use a capital letter.

    Example:  Spaniard, Spain,

    A rescue team with a bulky receiver would find it difficult to work in a forest because of the bad reception the radio would  get from the signal.  Mountains would cause interference with the signal.  Sometimes a line of sight radio can have a signal skip off a mountain and make contact with your radio receiver and it will  work.

  2. High range claims are based on transmissions in optimal conditions. This means having an unobstructed line of sight between you and another radio operator, preferably from a high vantage point in good weather.

    Real-world conditions, though, are usually not optimal, and the range of a two-way radio is commonly much less than the maximum possible.

    Topography (hills, deep canyons, ridgelines, tall formations)

    Weather (such as thick clouds)

    Electromagnetic interference (lightning)

    Obstructions (dense forest, structures)

    Large metal surfaces (inside a vehicle, range is usually less than 1 mile)

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