
Why would a respectable boxing champ lie Floyd Mayweather get involved with something as sleazy and debauched?

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as pro wrestling?




  1. The answer is clear... Money right?

    No, Floyd Mayweather is NOT short of cash by a longway, the truth to this answer is he simply wanted to expose himself to a wider audience than boxing.

  2. 1. he wants publicity

    2. thats just who he is

    3. more money

    4. trying something new (ex. dancing w/ the stars)

  3. M O N E Y.......................................

  4. Because Showboating Mayweather is just about the money. I wish Dana White would offer him a few million dollars to debut on the UFC. Mayweather would never do it though for he cant stand to look bad.

  5. Fame and Recognition...he doesn't need the money...give me a break...he probably has enough to own his own wrestling franchise.  He did it strictly to keep his name and face out there in the public while he's on ice with boxing.  He has said he won't fight this year and if thats the case then what better way to keep his name in the minds of the viewing public.  Its the same situation as with Dancing With the Stars last year.

  6. I have two word to say ( MONEY TALKS).

    If any of us was in his position we would do the same thing for the right amount of money or just for the publicity , He is in position where the more your seen the better. Showmanship is key , he has put himself in a position to be viewed by millions and im sure it has upped his ratings when his next fight comes about, so i for one give him a pat on the back and tell him to keep up the good work .

  7. Same reason for him dacing with the stars, publicity. Mayweather is the New Goldenboy of Boxing, and feels it is his duty to bring more fans to boxing.

  8. WWE is NOT pro wrestling. I was shocked to see him on No Way Out...just like you. I guess Mayweather likes acting and I am sure they paid him well...but still you have a valid point!

  9. easy question the money. the key is to lure all floyd mayweather fans to wwe. i intend on purchasing wrestle mania just to watch the floyd mayweather big show fight. thats the hole purpose. the same reason why mma wants mayweather the promotions hes the best recognize fighter in the world.

  10. they don't call him (money mayweather) for nothing

  11. Ummmm, anybody ever heard of Ali vs. Gorilla Monsoon ? Or against that japanese wrestler who's name I forget. Ali "fought" these matches at the end of his illustrious career. PBF is doing this now ? Fame and recognition ? He has this already! For a wider audience ? Are you kidding me , uh, last fight greatest PPV numbers ever! Money ? What's the point he has alot of it.

    So why ?

    It's spelled  E-G-O. He can never have too much of this. He's so full of himself that he literally wants to be in every arena, in every event available. If the numbers come back Huge for WWE, PBF and his "yesmen" will pat him on the back about the job he's done for WWE. Ridiculous.

    I wouldn't be surprised if he tried to make onto an NFL or NBA team. It's ridiculous what a little fame and fortune will drive you to.

    Floyd, seriously, get back to boxing, the "Dancing with the Stars" thing was a bust and so will this WWE match.

    Why don't you fight Cotto already ? What have you got to lose ?  A bruised EGO ?

  12. I guess he figured that nobody likes him in boxing, so why not flaunt his punch and run style and make a bigger fool out of himself?

    He was lucky Big Show didn't catch him.

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