
Why would a strip club not let in female customers?

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The strip club I go to doesn't let in women, (besides the strippers) I thought that was a strange rule. Any idea why they do it?




  1. hee...hee They probably they might find their hubby's hands down somewhere it does not belong. It is not the cookie jar.

  2. The Club may be be afraid for the safety of the female patrons. They can control the male patrons access to the female strippers, however, they can't control what the men may do to a female guest. Especially if for some reason, a redneck customer has decided a female patron is a L*****n and needs night with a "real man" to straighten her out and follows her to the parking lot.

    So, if the club doesn't allow female guests, it limits their liability in regards to potential sexual assault in back rooms and bathrooms. Not to mention the popular spiking of drinks that is sooo trendy in clubs these days.

    For this particular club, they may have already settled out of court on simliar cases and are covering their butts by not allowing any more women in the front door. Who knows.

  3. That is discrimination. What if you're a lady who likes naked ladies? Your money's as green as the guys'. And while you're getting a lap dance, the guys who are watching their fantasy come true in front of them are tipping like there's no tomorrow. That's a win-win-win for everybody.

  4. Sounds to me like this could be reverse discrimination.  I would most definitely look into it and if I was right I would return with the proper documents and make them let me in.  

    Peace & Love  :)

    Just did a "wee" bit of research.....they may have the "right" to refuse "anyone" but not an "entire" s* can go in my dear!!!!!  You need to file a compliant with the Better Business Bureau or the City Hall or go to a City Hall Meeting Of a Chamber of Commerce Meeting and embarrass them!!!  I think the threat would be enough!!!

  5. Weird. Maybe they figure that having real women there will cause the guys to be more inhibited (spending less, getting less wild, tipping the girls less). No women around and the men aren't afraid to play?

    The real girls would be competition for the guys money, time and attention therefore the strippers and bar might take in less money?

  6. Maybe for safety reasons?  

    I know the strip clubs in my city, a woman needs to be escorted by a man.


    Also, strip clubs attempt to observe laws against prostitution. A female who does not work in the club is not subject to management supervision, and therefore could engage in soliciting of customers who are obviously interested in the female anatomy.

    This could create major problems for the club itself, plus visiting females would detract from the attention the customers give to the strippers.

  8. Reasons Why Women are Not Allowed in Strip Clubs:

    1. They used to work there until they caught with their ***** in the boss's **** doing ******.

    2. They are former men who had a s*x change.


    3.  Who will be at home watching the kids?


    <------- works at the strip club you go to

    *cries again*

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