
Why would a student do this?

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One of my friends' students is giving him a hard time, he has asked me for my advice on what to do.

I was hoping to get some opinions. The student is 18 years old, she has upset him by ignoring and just being childish in a way by avoiding him obviously.

He is rather concerned about what he should legally do, or whether he should just leave the situation alone.





  1. If this was happening to me (and I teach), I would make it a point to casually mention the problem to an administrator *just in case* the student in question decided to progress from being passively childish to actively hurtful.

    During the conversation (depending on my relationship with my administrator) I might also make a comment such as, "You know, I've never seen behavior like this coming from a student her age, and it leaves me at a loss as to how to deal with it. Any suggestions on how I might turn this around or should I just leave it alone?" That way, I would be able to present something resembling a pro-active defense should the situation escalate.

    Under no circumstances would I approach the student alone or without a colleague present. To do so would be to open myself up to any range of accusations that I might not be able to defend myself against (he said / she said).

    It's a scary world for teachers now. I remember when it was perfectly safe my students to come up and want a hug or to have a private talk about this or that thing that might be bothering them - now, I almost hurt myself getting away from them for fear that I will end up branded on the evening news, a victim of a false accusation that could destroy my career.

    Tell your friend to proceed with caution.

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