
Why would a traditional male say THIS about being a house wife?

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"Because not every career is fulfilling and well paying and if one cant reach for a fulfilling and or well paying career being a housewife becomes so much more attractive."

I thought the traditional line was that being a homemaker and mother was the highest calling in the world. Isn't this contradicting the stance?

I won't say who said it, but historically, with Brutus, he killed Julius Caesar. But, you didn't hear it here.




  1. Well, why didn't he become one?

  2. Boy, it sure sounds like he wants to become a housewife. Good for him! Haha.

  3. It's true in a lot of cases, which is a rarity for him. But I'd have expected him to say that homemaking is infallibly the more attractive option for women.

  4. Cassius said it. Ha!!!!

    Don't put too much into what other people say. Most of us don't know our heads from Our @$$#$.

  5. That's a little weird to me, oh well. Maybe that's what he feels in his heart.

  6. Mark Antony said it, of course!

  7. A lot of traditional men actually don't have that much respect for women. They think women are mentally defective in some way that makes them unsuitable for work outside the home. So of course they never see housewives as their equal.

  8. Maybe because it's true.

  9. It makes sense to me.  People who go on about women being bored at home etc are always comparing being a housewife with being a woman in some high-powered career, never with a woman in a boring job that may be a lot less interesting than being at home.

    Betty Friedan in The Feminine Mystique was contemptuous of anyone who wasn't in a fulfilling career, she heaped as much scorn on men who were in unfulfilling jobs as on women who stayed at home.  She seemed to be oblivious to the fact that somebody has got to do the jobs that need doing, regardless of whether they are exciting, rewarding etc.  Being a housewife may not be the most exciting job in the world, but it beats a lot of other jobs.  Someone has got to raise the children.

    Raising children may or may not be a 'high calling', I couldn't really care less whether it is or not, but it is something that somebody has got to do, or the world is going to grind to a halt.  Likewise many of the other jobs that are not high-powered, thrilling careers.

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