
Why would a wife prefer her pastors opinion and help to her husbands?

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Why would a wife prefer her pastors opinion and help to her husbands?




  1. I dunno, my pastor is really smart and awesome. Hot, too.

    But I love his wife as one of my nicest friends, and I would never do anything to disrespect my husband.

  2. Could it be because when she does try to discuss important (to her) matters with her husband he either brushes her off, cutting her short, or ridicules her advice or questions? Does he tell her "we'll talk about this later" or "I'll get back to you" and never does? Is the way he treats her part of the reason she wants an unbiased outsider's opinion? Could be.

  3. You didn't give a whole lot of background on your question, but usually a wife would talk to her pastor about things that involve her husband during marriage counseling. Most pastors offer it, and people can receive counseling with or without their spouse. I'm speculating a lot, but is it possible that something is bothering her about your marriage and she is taking your pastors advice in dealing with it? If so, maybe you should listen. People don't run off to talk to their pastors at the drop of a hat. Something is really bothering her and you have ignored it long enough that she is seeking help.

  4. um because that is what Pastor's are supposed to do????  you know, help people and give them Christian advise.  Yeah, that's it, that's the ticket....because that is what she is SUPPOSED  to do. Go to someone of knowledge with such things as "HOLY MATRIMONY".  You know Holy, like the bible, Holy.  

  5. She believes he's more well read in what makes people get along well.

  6. need a little more to go on

  7. Maybe she feels as if the husband is too close to the situation and cannot give unbiased advice.  Or... maybe she needs advice about the husband.  She may also be looking for a spiritual answer.

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