
Why would a woman get pregant after 12 years?

by Guest56596  |  earlier

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All I want to know is why????

I have a friend who's been married to this guys for 6 years now, but they've been together for 17 years. They have a 16 year old, a 14 year old and a 12 year old. The marriage has not be a happy one for sometime. Her husband was/is cheating on her and I believe she is aware... she can't be that green.... So getting back to my point... Her youngest child is 12 almost 13 years of age and she's pregant with their 4th child. My question is WHY???? you have teenagers.... why would you want to start all over knowing that raising the 3 that she already has was a struggle... I really hope she did not get prego to keep her man.... I do know he did not want anymore kids and I was under the impression that she didn't either because... 12 years past and no kids... and NOW... all of a sudden she's prego... I don't get it...




  1. wow

  2. maybe they just decided together that they would like to have another child...theres nothing wrong with the age differences of the children..

    theres a possibility that you dont know everything that goes on in your friends marriage so just b happy for her...

  3. It could be something that was not planned and it's possible she wasn't supposed to be able to get pregnant again.  People have children to bring the family closer together, and truth is, many times it does work.  It would really upset this other woman too to know that her man now has a pregnant wife.  Maybe that is the reason she did it, who knows?  You could ask her  

  4. You have two choices... either ask her, or mind your own business.  Nobody here will know what's in her heart or in her mind, and if you're not close enough to her to ask her what's going on, then it's really none of your business.

  5. why not? my siblings were 12,15,18 when me and my brother were born (twins).  It is always a struggle but shouldn't be a big deal if she is pregnant now, age gap means nothing, why should it??  As Long as she is happy, congratulate her and move on with your life.

  6. Well, you see... First the man...  Oh, just ask your mother.  

  7. And, what business is it of yours?  It is their life, not yours.

  8. My parents did that. I was their "surprise"

    Her pregnancy probably wasn't planned at all...

  9. Because she's an adult and can make her own decisions!  You need to mind your own business.  It's not for you to get.

  10. Could have been an accident--she wasn't trying to get pregnant but missed a dose of BC pills and bam! now she's pregnant. People tend to get "matter of fact" about BC when they have been on it for a while and haven't gotten pregnant. My younger brother is just 4 years younger than me and he wasn't planned. My dad is 16 years younger than his oldest brother and wasn't planned. I work with 2 sisters--one's 30 the other is 21--guess who wasn't planned?

    On the other hand there are people who do plan a pregnancy late in life for a variety of reasons. My husband's ex-wife got pregnant shortly after we started dating. My husband thinks she did it on purpose because her brother's wife had just had a baby and she decided she wanted one too. I think it had more to do with the fact that he had moved out of state to be with me and she was "acting out" in response to that.

    Some women get start to panic when they realize they are approaching menopause and it hits them that soon they won't be able to have anymore kids whether they want one or not. Some see their older children growing up and don't need their mom anymore, so they have another baby so they will still have someone who needs them.

    In your friend's case, it could be that she's trying to show the other woman that she's still sleeping with her husband and she's having his baby, or maybe (as you suggested) she figures he won't leave her if there's another baby on the way.

    Whatever her reason, accident or planned, try to be happy for her if she's happy about it, and try to be supportive if she's not. That's what friends are for.

  11. Who knows what goes through anybody's mind..  Maybe it was an accident.  But as long as she is not asking you to raise the baby, I wouldn't worry too much about it.  My best friend had a fit when I got pregnant with my fourth, I have two teens.  I told her I wanted a baby and it wasn't anyone's business why as long as my husband and I were the ones taking care of them.  Just be happy for cause this is what she wants

  12. How old are you?  

    Babies happen, it is part of nature!!!

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