
Why would a young woman conduct herself like this? Is she crazy? ?

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I have been on myspace for years now. I use it as a networking and communication amongs from friends and family.

My friends son is on it as is his new wife. ( she is only 19 years old and his is well into his 20's )

I accidently sent out a forward called a "kiss me" application that went to everyone in my friends list. Including my husbands friends, family.. everyone!

I got a message from this young gal that said "I am the only girl who kisses my husband"... and I apologized and told her that I have known her husband sinc he was 13 or so.. and it was a complete mistake.... lol.

She emailed me back and said I was "disrepectful'!! I messaged her back and I asked her what she wanted from me? I told her that my apology was sincere! SHe then removed herself from my friends list.. which is fine.. I sent my friends son this and then removed him from my friends list too.

I am not sure but I think somehow I may of pissed of your wife. I am not sure why she was concerned that I sent out some stupid application from MYSPACE by mistake to everyone on my friends list.. if you look on her comments it went even to her.

i apologized and she sent me the message that I was disrespectful. No harm was meant, but if these kinds of accidents can cause this kind of stress in your home, perhaps it's best if I remove myself from not only your friends list but hers as well.

I personally can't figure out what caused the issues since I explained it was an accident, apologized and then I was told I was disrespectful.

I am TOO old for this bullshit and frankly I don't want to add stress where it seems to be already. That weird respose despite my apology was nothing short of middle school. Frankly, you have your hands full. .....

I just can't figure out this..unless this young girl is just a head case.

1 hour ago - 3 days left to answer.




  1. How weird that you got into such an immature exchange with a 19 year old.  Too bad you sunk to her level and engaged in a middle school catfight.  Then you went and made it worse by sending a message to the husband!  

    If you use it for work, what are you doing sending out "kisses" to everyone?

  2. Maybe she's going through something in her relationship or someone on myspace is giving her heck or she is insecure. Either way, don't let her stress you -  let her issues remain HER issues. Move on. Forget about her. It wasn't about you - well, not that much about you.

  3. She's young, insecure and immature.  This is not out of the ordinary behavior for someone who is so young and trying to present themselves to the world as an adult.  It's not right, but it's not unheard of.  I would let it be if I were you.  In the grand scheme of things it shouldn't make a difference.  Let her think what she wants.  She'll grow up someday.

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