
Why would an adult suddenly start having paranormal experiences?

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You always hear about children and animals that can sense spirits or whatever, but under what circumstances would an adult suddenly have strange paranormal-like experiences? What causes a person to become sensitive when they were NOT sensitive to these things before or as a child? Serious answers only, please....




  1. Hello

    It is a common misconception that being aware of your psychic abilities & spirit is just for the young.

    People can start opening at any age from 0 - 99. Sometimes life events can bring it about, but we open when we are ready, not always when we wish.


  2. Well I don't think the paranormal has an age limit (maybe kids and pets just sense it better). Maybe you were just never contacted by anyone invisible before.

    I've experienced things once in a while over the years, but I don't consider it anything that I have to be "sensitive" to, just rather lucked out in experiencing it.

  3. Depending on what type of paranormal experience this person is having?

    There are many factors, however, the main two I can come up with are as follows:

    1. Often times when one is using drugs or alcohol, they tend to see and hear things, this is because they are attracting entities based on the vibrational level.  You see when one is on drugs/alcohol their body energy is on a different wave than a person not using. They are generally on a "lower vibrational energy level", entities know it and somehow can manipulate a person.

    2. Now if your friend has been sober, and just meditates, and has a positive outlook on life, well, then your friend has removed the veil that once covered his/her abilities.  Meditation generally will help one open their minds to the spirit.  This will cause one to actually look beyond everyday stress and look at the spiritual side of life.  Hence having paranormal experience.

  4. Drugs,Lack of sleep

  5. maybe its someones way of letting you know that there is a life after death.

  6. My mother was on pain medications one time when she was ill, and she was seeing people around the room.

    Also, my father in the hospital with pancreatis.  He was also on medications, and he saw people.

  7. everything at its due time.

  8. What causes experiences perceived to be paranormal?

    Are you prone to fantasy?  Are you prone to find fanciful, magical explanations for things?  Are you more artsy than science-y?  Do you have a pre-existing belief in the paranormal unsubstantiated by evidence or experience?

    All of these attributes contribute to a person perceiving paranormal events.

  9. some type of event could trigger it, or sometimes you just had the ability all along you just never took notice of it, because yo were probally always taught that ghosts dont exist, or you are just a late bloomer, or youve done meditation, also being around other people that are experianced ppl may cause it but its a very light influence if you do know some paranormal ppl, chances are you had the abilities all along but being around them, and their energy, caused it to grow

  10. Your brain can only process things in the ways you allow it.

    Perhaps you see random patterns of shadow in the dark, when you go to the washroom in the middle of the night, but as long as you think of them as random, then that's all they are.

    But if you, one night, see a meaningful shape in the shadows, a shape that seems to respond to your movements, then what has changed? Was the shape always there and you've never noticed it properly? Are you still half asleep and dreaming? Did you watch a ghost movie before going to bed and your imagination is running away with you?

    Only that person experiencing the phenomenon can decide what they think is really happening.

    Maybe something that they discounted for years, they one day realize that they have to accept for what they think it is?

    Anything can happen in your life to make you think differently from one day or the next. It doesn't have to be a traumatic event that triggers the change. You learn something every single day of your life, and you are therefore a new person, a slightly changed person everyday too.

    My question is: is this person you, or someone you know?

    In either case, don't look for someone or something to blame for the change in circumstances. Be supportive of your friend without leading them astray, or trying to tell them what they should think about what is happening to them. They have to figure it out for themselves, and probably need someone they can trust to confide in.

    And if it is you, try and find a person like that.

    But don't just assume that you or your friend are crazy. There is so much about life and the universe that is unexplained by science. Just because we don't know the answer to something or meaning behind something, doesn't make it any less true, or less real.

  11. Paranormal is related to areas in the human's brain that are not active in most people. Maybe your mind is growing and these areas are becoming more active which explain the reason you never have them as a child.

  12. Sometime these things first happen when a loved one dies, or when someone close to you is in danger.   So, it is quite likely that they first happen in adulthood.

  13. Strong electrical fields are known to be associated with places where people experience "paranormal" events or just feel creepy.  Also, renovating old houses are supposed to stir things up that would otherwise remain dormant.  And, involvement in the occult can leave you open to that kind of thing.  But, mental illness is always a contender.  I knew two different Wicca groups in two different states (purely coincidental that they were neighbors in both places I moved), and there were strange things happening in both of those homes.  On the other hand, I had a friend who had a mental breakdown in college, and he began hearing voices constantly berating and insulting him, forcing him to drop out of school and get on some kind of medication.  You don't say what kind of experiences you're having...

  14. Sometimes it's a traumatic event forgotten and then suddenly remembered from the past.

    Or it could be the lack of sleep, the lack of rest.

    It could be many different things. If you want to get to the bottom of it, I'd suggest seeing a hypno-therapist. Remember though, once you remember things in your life may change, dramatically.

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