
Why would any sane person vote for Barack Obama?

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I really just don't understand why so many people support Obama for president. He has no foreign policy experience, & no military experience. He's a far left liberal who would raise taxes, & increase government programs, which would cause the lower class to have even more dependency on the federal government. Didn't you watch the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina? THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO EFFECTIVELY TAKE CARE OF PEOPLE. If you want to succeed in America you should do it on your own hard work. That's why I'm a conservative. It isn't the governments' job to give it's citizens free stuff. It should be the citizens job to make their own way through life in an free society. That's why I will never vote for Obama or any liberal for that matter. I'm not going to waste my vote on them.




  1. Why would any sane person vote for McCain? Because they believe he is the best man for the job. You need to stop labelling people who don't agree with your way of thinking as insane. We have a right to view things differently and think the way we wish too. You tossing around childish names only shows how far down the rabbit hole you truly are. I don't agree with McCain, but i respect his views and the rights of others to follow him. Why cant you do the same for those on the other side?

  2. What has Bush's experience given me?

    Let's see. In the years since 9/11, there have been ZERO terrorist attacks on US soil and countless attacks/plans foiled by law enforcement.

    Terrorist groups around the world have been put on notice that there is a gun aiming at you instead of some lawyer waiting to figure out what he might be able to charge you with.

    I am moving from my $109,000 home that I bought in 2002 with a $45000 net profit in to a new $269,000 home that I am building because of the current economy.

    I am driving a 2007 Chrysler 300 instead of the 1998 Ford F150 due to the current economy.

    I am able to spend money on dance classes and piano lessons for my 6 year old daughter.

    While I can't find it on/in NBS, CBS, PBS, NPR, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NY Times, Boston Globe, Washington Post, LA Times, St. Louis Post, Chicago Sun Times, Time, Newsweek, or People Magazine, I do have internet access that allows me to keep abreast on the US troops currently killing and capturing terrorists in foreign lands trying to bring harm to the US and our allies.

    My income is up from $39,000 in 2000 to $65,000 in 2007 and looking better for 2008... My wife's income is up even more. My personal debt is way down...

    Had Bush and the Republican congress actually slowed the rate of government spending, the US dollar would be doing even better and I would be doing that much more better today.

    However, Bush has theoretically done very little for me. My tax rate is lower that it was when Clinton was in office. But, my prosperity is tied to my own hard work. Not the government's.

    The difference between a liberal and a conservative?

    I beilieve the government owes me nothing and should do nothing for me. Liberals believe its their God given, sorry, Tree Given right to have the government foot the bill for every little need they have.

  3. He would raise taxes on the rich. What's wrong with people who can't afford to live their lives getting some help? What about inner city children? It's their faults they are born into poor families who can't give them the proper education? This country was built on immigrants. So what's wrong with them coming to this country to get a better life?  

  4. Bush had alot of experience.

    Look where that got you.

  5. a sane person wont

  6. Which is why most of the scum-sucking low life's who live off our tax dollar are democrats.

  7. Because he, unlike your war hero, actually thinks that the economy needs fixing.

  8. It's called freedom.

  9. People have short term love affairs with fads and celebrities, but at the end of the day his celebrity status and novelty will not win him the Presidency.

    Obama is a feel-good candidate, but he is also without substance.

  10. Because we need to take the government out of the hands of the selfish, arrogant, narrow-minded, greedy, women's-rights hating, rich white boy conservatives.  I mean, seriously - look what a FABULOUS job Bush has done these last 8 years.  I'm SO surprised that you conservatives aren't more embarrassed than you are.  Your question just goes to show how little you know about Obama and Liberals as a whole.  you should to your research before spewing such silly garbage.  

  11. I wonder that more everyday.

  12. Many sane people are willing to vote for Obama, in fact the majority of the planet agrees with more of what Obama says than McCain. That doesn't mean he should be our President, but it does mean that if you think anyone who considers voting for him is insane you are saying most of the world is insane, just like that guy in the cardboard box down the street from me.

    I'm not saying you have to vote for Obama, but you have to respect those that plan to if you want to claim to be a rational intelligent person in our democracy.  

  13. are you saying that half the country is not "sane" ?

    you have a very low opinion of your fellow Americans.

    all the polls show that half of the voters in this country are voting for Obama.

  14. ducky's right. half of the nation is insane, the democrat half.which make their money from the republican half, and they think we can put even more of them on our payroll.  

  15. lol...i think this will get reported but...some people are voting for him because they've fallen into his trap of lies....his charm, wit and great speeches are too much for people to see past. they want the "perfect" president....and they think he's it....  

  16. this is a trick question.You asked why would any sane person vote for Oh! Bama? No sane person would vote for him,only other democrats would be nutty enough to do that.

  17. WOW..... temper temper......

    Katrina was botched by Bush and Cheney..... dont get it twisted....

    you sound insane....  

  18. Your mama will vote Obama, why won't you?

  19. There is allot of people in this Country who don't care,

    they weren't born here or they were but don't care anyway,  

  20. Because we are sane and have lived through enough Republican leadership...thanks anyway

    You might be more persuasive if your post consisted of more than just GOP spin.

  21. because he is NOT a republican

  22. The fact you feel the need to call people with political views other than yours insane shows just how twisted your mind is.

  23. No sane person would.

    And I agree - self reliance is what this country is all about.

  24. your premise that only people who work hard are successful is fallacious.  President Bush has never worked hard in his life, and look at what he has done.  

    affirmative action for white people has existed in America for 200 years and the belief that their hard work alone has created their money, power, success is an insult to the millions of black, red, brown, yellow, and other people who have been working hard to make this country great since its birth!!!!!  

  25. You got me on that one.  Causes one to think that the libs are a bunch of ostriches with their heads in the sand.  Can you explain some of these inconsistencies to me and then tell me why he has a single "American" supporter?

    Obama’s socialist spending plans are aimed at equalizing wealth; with “hope” and “change”, the exact mantra of Fidel Castro. We will all be equal, equally poor just as they are in Cuba now. Another fellow that has had Obama’s platform was popular in 1917. His name was Valdimir Lenin and we know what a success that was. Obama by the way admits to being an admirer of Karl Marx.

    Of course most of Obama’s rhetoric is absolute B.S. Fortunately, if he does manage to become our President, the congress and senate will be able to moderate him just as they did the most incompetent Nancy Pelosi.

    Obama is lickin’ his chops over the military budget. He intends to dessimate our military. He doesn’t give a c**p about U.S. security or takin’ the fight to the enemy. He wants to spend that money not save it. He has a bill right now on the floor of the Senate called the “Global Poverty Act”. $300 billion (the same we have spent defending this nation since 9/11) to give to the United Nations to “FEED THE WORLD”. Obama was against the war. He has never said WHY.

    What Obama is proposing is socialism and it does not work. It is not my responsibility to feed other nations. It is the responsibility of those nations to feed their people. I could care less if someone who has never been to the United States likes the image portrayed by the Liberal media. As far as giving….the citizens of the United States give more than any government BY FAR including our own. Tsunami victims ring a bell. So who really cares? If liberals donated blood as much as conservatives the blood supply would increase 50%. Conservatives donate money at an even higher rate compared to Liberals. And when it comes to getting off the couch and actually donating time…24 to 1. Mostly Christian Conservatives. So when hurricane Katrina hit and you saw on TV all those volunteers who came out to help, for every 25 people in the shot, only 1 liberal. And I think that was Sean Penn.

    Also, he is NOT a Christian. This country was FOUNDED on Christian values and hundreds of thousands have fought and died to preserve the very freedoms we enjoy today, and the libs want to take that away from us? Oh he11 NO. Obama was the only IL state senator to vote against the Born Alive Infants Protection Act, which required medical care to be given to live infants who survived abortions. I find that absolutely disgusting! A true Christian would NEVER do that!! That kind of person is NOT who I want running the country I so love.

  26. Because they aren't brain dead.

  27. Obama has the youth vote.  

    The youth is not insane. They are what they have always been.  The youth has a tendency to do the exact opposite of what they know they SHOULD do just for the sake of it.  It excites them.

    Then we have blacks.  This is just another phase of blacks moving into the mainstream.  They suddenly have an opportunity to vote for someone who looks like them.  They are not even marginally interested in the substance of the matter.  I can't say I blame them until I've walked in their shoes and that day is not coming.  I suspect that Obama will lose or s***w the pooch if he wins and the next time a black candidate hits the stump, the black community, over the novelty, will demand more than just blackness from any would-be representative and their vote will no longer be taken for granted.

    In the meantime, we will have to suffer the growing pains.  

  28. Heck no! He has many ties to terrorists and anti-American groups. Why would anyone in their right mind vote for someone who is anti-American?

    Get a clue people before it's too late!


  29. do some research if you have this problems cause he was on the foreign affair commitee. He is a christian who probably chose not to kill anyone some Christian don't believe in killing so war is not an option. He chose to give years of his life helping people who you have no understanding about. I know you couldn't become a community organizer but you can go to an inner city & work to help people & after a while you will change your view. He will not raise taxes just go back to the taxes that were in effect when Clinton was in office but this is for people who make over $250,000 which I doubt applied to you. We have to pay for things some how...we are spending so much money right now. See if you can find a link to how much money we are spending on the war. It is going out so fast. $12billion a month. Do you understadn money spend has to be paid back. McCains plan will cost us billions more. The government is just us, working together. Do you ever use the government for everything. Do you go to the library? Do you go to public school? There are so many things that the government helps you with & the fact that they don't make a profit makes it affordable. My local library charged for videos then we went in one day & the were free. We asked why & they said they saved up enough money so they didn't need to charge anymore. No one in business will do that. Businesses just keep raising prices. You are doing so much thinking but you just don't have good info. With life experience you will understand why it is important to help others & how it helps you. Just go do a volenteer job one day & you will see how it prospers you. Our country sends billions to Iraq they have a surplus in the billions but we refuse to help our own. This is so sad. I am not refering to any who cheats the system but we need a system. 7000 people every day are losing there homes.Republicans will create more people on welfare than when a dem. president takes care so that people are tax payers. People feel better when their neighbors are happy & healthy going to work, having health care. You have asked so much & their is so much more to add but I have no idea why you think people who vote for Obama are not sane. Crazy means scattered. Did watch observe the difference in the 2 conventions? Once convention was a blessed even. The other was a mess. Everything in life is energy. Our country is always a mess when a republican is the Pres. don't believe what you read in history. Reagan cost so many jobs only the very top people who can pad their pockets benefit from them.

  30. Thanks for your opinion.

    I don't want 4 more years of a person who agrees 90% of the time with a man who has not only derailed, but train-wrecked this country.

    Does that make me insane?

  31. I won't try and convince you, because you obviously don't care about having a serious and reasonable discussion.

    But the fact is that a President is only as good as the people he chooses to fill high-level positions. Look at George Bush -- d**k Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Karl Rove did more damage to the fabric of this country than any set of advisers since Watergate. And if Sarah Palin is any indication, John McCain looks to be heading down the same path of making questionable decisions on advisers.

    At least Obama has balanced out his ticket by choosing a running mate who could do the job of being president if necessary, and shown that he has the judgment to choose capable people to surround himself with.

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