
Why would any self respecting man support feminism and its deeply felt animosity towards men?

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Why would any self respecting man support feminism and its deeply felt animosity towards men?




  1. Because its not about animosity towards men.    

  2. Because they're self-hating? Feminists aren't all misandrists but I find it hard to believe that any self-respecting male would wish to help disenfranchise himself from rights.

    edit: yea cause you know what everyone should value eh seeking truth. Human rights pfft just a bunch of meaningless declarations with no consensus. Sounds good on paper but almost no practical applicability whatsoever.

    How many crimes of racism do you think have been tried at the European Court of human rights for a start?

  3. Because men who support feminism have the balls to realise that self respect isn't gained by owning women. That human rights is a thing worth fighting for. And that equality is in everybody's best interest. Want to know why feminism started? Because traditionally it was the man's role to provide for his family, and to be a leader to his family, but too many men stuffed it up and proved that this traditionalist model is corrupt and needs to be completely erased from society like the stain that it is.

  4. Because they don't feel any animosity from feminists, likely because they never expressed any toward them. Hate breeds hate.

  5. There are so many different types of people who are feminists that not all of us hate men. Please meet some more feminists instead of making such stereotyped generalizations.  

  6. Because to 2 main things:

    -The end justifies the means


    *The most lamentable part is that the most likely victims of said animosity are better men.


  8. Feminism is very much like the Golem, an artificial being created for a good purpose, but which soon got out of control and wreaked havoc. Feminism has become a monster and unfortunately its creators lack the will/strength/integrity to admit its failings and rectify its abuses. In the legend of the Golem, it is finally a little girl who ends the Golem's rampage. Perhaps the young women of today will be the ones who clean up the mess made by their distaff forebears.

  9. Political power is a big reason.  Most Democrats and not a few Republicans have pandered to feminists to get elected and fill their campaign warchests.  A very non-exhaustive list of such nominal males would have to include Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Al Gore, Bill Bradley, John Kerry, Frank Lautenberg, and Mike Cox (Michigan Attorney General).

    These entities respect themselves very much.  Their self-esteem, however, is unfortunately not dependent on their sense of gender loyalty.

  10. Feminism isn't supposed to be phallic envy, it just changed that way.  It's a way of separating women and men, when we should work as a team, and share in egalitarian relationships as couples.  A man treats his wife as a gift, not property, and a woman loves her husband, and doesn't put up with abuse.

  11. Feminism shouldn't be about animosity towards men, it is all about getting women on an equal footing to men. So any man who believes women should be equal to men can support feminism.

    Feminism doesn't equal misandry. There is a difference.

    Yes, there many feminists who are misandrists, but that doesn't mean all feminists are.

  12. I agree!!!  In my younger days I thought I was going to become a feminist so I subscribed to MS. Magazine.  Well, I could not believe the articles in that magazine.  If it rained yesterday they'd find a way to blame men for it.  It was crazy!  If the wind blew a piece of paper on to their lawn it must have been some conspiracy by men.  It was just ridiculous!  If you have never read this piece of garbage you should pick one up some time just to have a look and see the propaganda women are being brainwashed with.  If there was a magazine out there that bashed any other group of people the way Ms. Magazine bashes men there would be riots and protests in the streets.  Pick up one of these magazine and read some of the articles.  In your mind replace MEN with any other group of people and think about if it would be socially and politically accepted.

  13. The same man who is neutered and watches Lifetime.  

    I have no idea why any one would support these agendas.  It seems in the Grand Scheme of things, that as long as your under a so called "minority", then it is ok to subscribe to racist and sexist thought and ideals.

    Some examples, if you are black and vote for Obama because he is black and you identify with him, then you have pride in your race.  If you vote for McCain because he is white, like you, based on race, then you are a racist.  If you believe in Black Power and you are black, then you have pride in your race, but if you are white and believe in White Power, then you are a racist.  The same goes for women candidates and pride in your gender.

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