
Why would any true american care about royalty?

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My god! Its not like we still believe that god put them here on earth to lord over us we now have the us government to did that and we did that ourselves.




  1. Care to explain "true American?" I thought being an American meant the freedom to care about  pretty much what you wanted to.

  2. Not everyone who uses Yahoo Answers is an American, true or otherwise.  A great many of us live in other countries, some of which are part of the British Commonwealth.

    How WE feel about royalty, is for us to decide.  You have an opinion, which you have voiced, but so do the rest of us.  Think about it and try to be more liberal.

  3. Its like our old TV show, Peyton Place!!!!

  4. It is because Americans are jelous. They have to make Tv shows to create Idols, laugh.

  5. i am a proud white female from Minnesota.  what does it really matter to you?  do you think they really care about you?  live your life as you want or can and let the royals be.  personally they are part of  what makes this world go round and i  am enjoying the story.

  6. I like them.  Go like what you like.

  7. Because even when my family is dirt poor in america it is nice to think that I have a cousin over seas that is rich and powerful rulling another nation. That somewhere in this backward world some people still think of my bloodline as something better. My grandfather's mother was also full blooded cheerokee. So I am a Royal, Viking, Native american. It's just nostalgic and fun to look at your history I even found a painting that looks like me from the fifteenth century. We're all related anyway so what does it matter.

  8. Well,we over here,don't give a d**n what you think or what you care about.So you just comtinue your life on your reservation and we will continue ours over here FREE in our own country,unlike you on your little reservation given to you by invaders.

  9. "He [or she] who controls the past, controls the future; and he  [or she] who controls the present, controls the past."

    George Orwell, 1984 (1949)  

    All Americans (whatever their ethnicity) need to learn about the history of other peoples in addition to their own--not to mention those peoples whose past most influenced the current American system of government as well as American culture. Since 1492, for better or for worse, that has meant European history, and since the English landed at Jamestown, Virginia, that has meant the history of the United Kingdom.

    Much of European history--indeed, much of recorded history--is history that focuses on the actions of the ruling class, and until recently that meant kings, queens, and emperors.

    Moreover, Americans don't need to agree philosophically with a system of government, such as a constitutional monarchy, to try to understand it.  After all, most Americans probably don't agree with Sharia Law, which doesn't separate religion and state in Islamic countries. But if Americans are to deal with Middle Eastern countries, they better attempt to understand the concept.  Similarly, Americans need to understand Europeans if for no other reason than much of our philosophy, music, literature, and systems of education and business originated there.

  10. I think that any true American could appreciate the historical significance of the monarchy. It is a system rooted in steep tradition and whether you like it or not, many of England's monarchs have shaped world history in unfathomable ways. In comparison, America is still a young country and when studying world history, the impact of the US is first felt in WWI. There is a helluva lot of stuff that happened before that and much of it involved a strong british monarchy.

  11. Why don't you ask a native American? Then you should know the answer.

  12. Maybe they wish they were royalty? So out of jealousy?

    And it is a good thing we have a government that is supposed to work for the people. The problem is that some people act like they should be working for the government.

    This is the wrong attitude, and leads to our freedom being taken away. Worse yet, what if we one day fear our own government? Fear is a powerful tool.

  13. I don't think any of us really care about royalty, but since there is a special segment of YA for it, it is fun to come on here and take a few pot shots at that inbred, dyspeptic group.

    Every Thanksgiving I give thanks for my ancestors who had the good sense to come to the USA.

    Incidently, if the USA hadn't gotten involved in WW 1 and WW 2, there wouldn't BE a British monarchy.

  14. I  don't  think  it makes  me  any  less  of  an  American  because  I  have  an  interest  not  only  in the  British  royals, but  European  royals  as  a whole.  I  agree   with  the comments that  for  those  of  us  Americans  with an  interest  in european royal houses   it's due  to  in  part  the history  all  of  them have in  their  countries.  Also,  personally,  I  think  I'm  a  more  well  rounded person   because I  try  to  learn  about   other  cultures  and   forms  of   government.  You're   300  years  too  later  for  the  Divine  right  of  Kings.  The  last   monarchs  of    Europe that  saw  themselves has having  placed  on  the  thrones  of  their countries  by  God   were  Louis  XVI  of  France  and King George III  of   England  in  the 18TH century.  I  think  you know  what  happened to  OL'  Louie  and his Marie.  King George, one  of  Queen  Elizabeth's ancestors, died of mental  illness.

  15. Because you want to prove to US British (and by US I mean us rather the USA duh)that you arn't complete idiotic prats - I see your having a hard time with that though.

  16. bitter much?

  17. Wow, do you feel better? A rant magically turned into a question!

    Who are you to say what people can and can't believe in?

  18. Surely you aren't judging the people who just happen to have been born into royalty, are you? How does anybody know that God didn't put them where they are for reasons we don't understand? We might still not understand that cigarette smoking is dangerous if it hadn't been for Elizabeth II's father dying as young as he did from smoking.

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