
Why would anyone actually have a kid? It seems cruel.?

by  |  earlier

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Seriously. Most people are unhappy the vast majority of the time. They think work sucks, they don't know where the money is coming from, they're tired, sick, etc. And the common answer of life is finding those happy moments and holding on to them seems ridiculous to me, too. If you went to see a movie, and only 5% of it was worthwhile, and the other 95% sucked, would you force someone else to then go see it? Probably not if you liked that person. And I think that's a pretty decent analogy for having a kid.




  1. maybe you should get some antidepressants . . . .  

  2. perhaps you should observe children...  really look into their eyes, see their expressions, their wonder, and their innocence.  children who are loved are not unhappy...  not a burden...  and NOT cruel.  love is not cruel.  i believe that the soul sees what life they are to be given before they are born and chooses to go on or to retreat.  according to my belief system you chose this life of yours...  but how you are choosing to live it seems really unfair to yourself.  it's so much more comforting to have a possitive outlook on things and to be grateful for everything that comes your way.  the greatest day of our lives (my husband and i) was the day we found out it was twins.

  3. My life is close to perfect. I have husband who adores me and our kids. My kids are my life. Just the looks on their faces when they are picked up from school, or when they are woken up in the morning melts my heart. I couldn't be happier with life, and neither could my family.

    If your life is so bad that you see no point to existence, then live it quietly, so you stop brining everyone else down to your pathetic level of sadness and insecurity.

  4. if you had a kid then you'd know why.... a kind of love you cannot comprehend. with this attitude i wouldnt suggest having one right now though

  5. There is nothing wrong with wanting to share all of the happiness and joy with a child.  There is something very special about being there and seeing all of the firsts.  I have four, yes four beautiful, wonderfully different childern that will someday, maybe reshape society.  You get from life what you put in, so if you hate your job and are tired and sick you should look inside and see what you are giving.

  6. I cant imagine life without kids,they make you see the world entirely different.

    If that is your thinking you are NOT ready for the responsibility of children,

    I actually feel sorry for people who do not have kids.

    They will keep you poor

    Make you loose some hair

    Age you prematurely

    But I would not live without them.....

  7. I know what you mean, I guess most people are happy enough of the time or hope their child will be (or think the child will make them happy) that they think it's a reasonable decision.


  8. I kinda agree, everyone thinks Im so wierd because I dont want any kids but life seems sooo much easier and better without them

  9. life is what you decide it is. You can sit here and complain about all the bad. Or you can get up and try to make things better.

    Having kids doesnt make the world any darker it actually does the opposite.

  10. My lifes great. Just because you sound like some whingy emo kid it doesnt mean everyone else is.  


    go here and see!!!!

  12. it's not cruel in wanting to have a kid! KIDS are fun! You were then a kid, too.  And i am prety sure, people older than you that time were really having fun when you're around them.  

  13. lol. im only 16 and i really want too have a kid, just imagining something you created, that you love SO much that you'd do anything to protect it makes me feel pretty good, but i wanna find the perfect girl first.. which is harder then i thought it would still looking:)

  14. Ah well i truly feel sorry for those people, but personally I am a happy positive person and i think the world is overall a pretty cool place

    So I dont feel bad about bringing children into it

  15. Finally!

    Thank you for speaking the truth.

    Children are overrated. xD

    It's just ridiculous how much our population has increased over the years. It's skyrocketed actually. I wish all these low income families and teenage Juno worshipers would discover birth control, abortion and/or celibacy.

  16. I used to agree with you, but as I got older I had a different outlook. I grew up in a very broken family. Most of my childhood was horrible. But when I went to college, everything changed for me because I had control over my life. I moved to a new rented place away from home and the landlord's family seemed happy. 3 kids and the husband and wife lived in this old house. It changed my perspective of children and what other ppl have told me about stuff. Ppl say I won't like it living on my own and it's not as great as it seems, but it is. Ppl say it's so easy to get pregnant but I think the media hyped it up a bit too. And ppl say having a child is bad, but I can't help but get the feeling that a family is complete with children. Seeing this family here makes me think maybe not all families break up and end up sad.

  17. I personally love being alive, yeh there are crappy things we all gotta do, but I am so glad I was born. You get to experience things and have fun and be with the people you love, what's not to be grateful for about that?? I would say that your percentage comparison is completely opposite for me, 95% of the time I am happy, and so is the rest of my family.

  18. I agree... I would have asked a similar question given the time...  

  19. It isn't cruel, mostly its because parents want to have a child because

    they want to love it and sometimes give them something to do. its not ridiculous it helps give your life memories and meaning. (i don't think that's really the answer of life) and the work, money tired sick thing probably isn't even the kid's problem

  20. I agree that our population is way over populated however people have children for many different reasons and not all of those people think life suck and are low income. What about the families that want to pass on the family name, or those people who have children because they are just ready and want to give a child the world. It is possible to be happy in life. It just takes some people a long time to find that happy medium in life and it's very unfortunate for those who never find it.  

  21. well, if u dont feel now, u will repent later when u r not able to.

    pl go ahead.

    Mother is all one wants to become in life,

    apart nothing is great.

  22. This question proves you're a very unhappy person..

    Not every family is unhappy.For your information most people are very happy with their kids... Having a child gives you happiness no matter how unhappy you are at the time..

    Maybe you should do things which make you happy because apparently you know nothing about happiness..

  23. Well, maybe YOU shouldn't have a kid then.

    My life is pretty good, and my wife and I wanted to bring in a child to our lives.

    Sorry your life sucks.

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