
Why would anyone believe in AGW when the majority of real scientist say it is not real?

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When I said real I mean ones that are not funded by liberals to make up stuff about global warming.




  1. I belive because ive seen it with my own eyes.18 yrs ago i lived in washington state we had a heat wave in the summer of july of 1989 do you know what they considerd a heat wave in washington tacoma area to be exact? 90 to 95 degrees that lasted maybe to weeks in the summer time.3 yrs ago I went back to the same area same time of year. tempertures were in the high 90s low hundreds.all summer no longer considerd a heat wave just hot trees are all brown instead of green come on there called evergreens. mean while pepole want to debate if global warming exists are not thank god I ve eyes to see for myself the signs like were are all the frogs that use to be around years ago?are the flocks of geese that wold fly south for winter?yes we still have geese and frogs but defintly not like we use ask your self why wouldnt anyone not belive we are ruining our plantet all a person has to do is look around.

  2. Because the "vast majority" really aren't :-)

    At one time the vast majority of scientists didn't believe in plate tectonics :-) or heavier than air flight ;-)

    Global Cooling... we fixed that that in the 70's  we shore as heck can fix Global Warming... with enough scary movies, media hype and money... lol

  3. First off, why don't you prove the "majority" of scientist say AGW is not real. Here, I'll make it easy for you and post the organizations that say it IS real...

    NASA, the National Academy of Sciences support AGW theory. These are just 2 of the most trusted scientific organizations in the world. Below are more...

    Scientific organizations statement (Joint science academies’ statement 2005) from the G8 nations.

    "It is likely that most of the warming in recent decades can be attributed to human activities (IPCC 2001)2. This warming has already led to changes in the Earth's climate."


    "The scientific understanding of climate change is now

    sufficiently clear to justify nations taking prompt action. It

    is vital that all nations identify cost-effective steps that they

    can take now, to contribute to substantial and long-term

    reduction in net global greenhouse gas emissions."

    Signatories shown below...

    Academia Brasiliera de Ciências, Brazil

    Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

    Royal Society of Canada, Canada

    Académie des Sciences, France

    Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher, Leopoldina, Germany

    Indian National Science Academy, India

    Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei,Italy

    Science Council of Japan, Japan

    Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia

    National Academy of Sciences, United States of America

    Royal Society, United Kingdom

    Other organizations...

    Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 2007

    U.S. National Research Council, 2001

    American Meteorological Society

    American Geophysical Union

    American Institute of Physics

    American Astronomical Society

    Federal Climate Change Science Program, 2006

    American Association for the Advancement of Science

    Stratigraphy Commission of the Geological Society of London

    Geological Society of America

    American Chemical Society

    Engineers Australia (The Institution of Engineers Australia)

    The Joint science academies’ statement 2007 is also linked below.


    Now you go out and find the same.

  4. Wow, we don't see this question ten time each day...have I mentioned Yahoo Answer's search feature recently.

  5. Because groups like NASA and the NAS come out and say there is a 'consensus' amongst scientists that catastrophic AGW is a reality.  People see this and blindly conclude 'Oh my it must be true!'.  

    If you dig a little deeper though, you will see that only a select few members these groups actually decided to make these consensus statements and the body of their membership was never actually polled.  You'd also notice that pro-AGW research is currently the most well funded research topic, clearing ~$5 billion a year from the US alone.  There's somewhat of a joke amongst the scientific community that if you want your project funded, just relate it to global warming.  So it's pretty clear, to me at least, that not too many people are going to publicly speak out against it and risk losing their funding.  NASA and the NAS are smart though, because whether they actually support it or not, they now get more money for climate research.  Conflict of interest much?

    It's OK though, over 400 prominent scientists working at various prominent institutions from all over the world, many who were expert reviewers for the IPCC studies, came out last month officially stating they are at least skeptical of the consensus statements.  A good number of them stated they actually down right reject the idea and heavily criticized the IPCC's peer review process.  Many of these named scientists have also stated that many of their colleges feel the same way, but wouldn't publicly speak out of fear of losing funding and being criticized.  You can read about each scientist and their statement here:

    Oh, and notice this is a US government website, and not some wiki or activist website article that bears no real reference value.

    And yes, Al Gore came out and claimed that 25-30 of these scientists have worked for or received money from the oil industry in the past.  Great, but that accounts for less than 10% of all of the listed scientists, and really doesn't prove anything as they aren't getting nearly as much as the other side is getting.  What I don't understand is why doesn't Al Gore bring attention to Dr. Jim Hansen, the chief of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (and one of the select few in NASA I mentioned earlier) for receiving $250,000 from the Heinz Foundation for AWG research.  Like I said, conflict of interest much?

  6. the more stupid questions they put in your mind that can destract you and get you to worry about things that arnt there like terrorism the more they can get away with whats realy going on that realy needs to be discussed .Like was once said before as a warning to the people the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.fear is a fealing terror is a warming? snow in bagdad last week hmm global warming makes it snow in iraq? sory but LOL

    my spelling and sentance structure may be off but i graduated from an american school so anyway here goes THE START down the path to reality

    also might want to look into the fact that the pleage is recently running rampent in several parts of the world.

    YES this has everything to do with whats going on in russia .and the rest of the world.

    """"""Check out all the facts look at the big picture""""""

    north korea freaks out russia says get out thanks but we dont trust you or care for your help with anything any more leaders all over the world terminated unrest in italy right now all pertains to this same problem with the world .

    Its the ones behind the scenes crossing off theyr lists.

    Many have tryed to give warnings in the past like JFK did in his speaches about the people actualy in control of the puppets.

    The thousands that die american british iraqi pallestinian they dont care its all part of theyr plan they cant wait till its just them on the planet and a few slaves.

    Research look into new laws and directive and actualy read the garbage called 911 commission report.when you pull it all out from george washington to george bush and stand back and look at it all BIG PICTURE you will see the truth scary sad truth.

    recent report in the news .Record amount of tourist in N.Y. last couple years hmm mabey its because tens of thousands of people have been gathering there for 911 truth rallies trying to get the Gov to start telling the truth.Or is it just people going there to meet Silverstien the man who admitted giving the order to push the button on the buildings he had just leassed.

    .First ill start with the last pres and what he was put into his position for.

    The only reason Clinton was ever put in office is so he could be ridiculed by the media and so America could see the problem with our Gov. has been fixed (in the subconscious).

    Same thing they did with the N.C. lottery right before it came into effect in that state they had to put someone in court for something to put in the subconscious that any problem that might BE is gone from the subconscios mind of the masses.

    I know this sounds out theyr but do the homework mkultra and such youl get the picture.

    Anyway Bush himself just some basic well know facts hes part of skull and bones .illuminati . is tyed to JFK Jrs death quite the was his father who was also directly tyed to JFKs death.if you still think some idiot working in the book depository did it do some homework Bush Sr. was put in charge of the JFK assassination and did what they payed him to do made it go away and coverd it up quite the way Bush of 911 did After he got off his butt in florida.

    who was in charge of security at the WTC complex on 911 and the months leading up to it (Marvin Bush ) wow what a coinsidence.Who helped fund and arm Hitlers cause and was even (on the record ) charged but not convicted of such ?None other that Prescot Bush Pres.Bush s grand father.Ever heard of Bushs oil intrest and dealing with a man named Osama Bin Ladin?

    look up the music video from eminem bush knocked down the towers wether you like rap or not if you like to hear the truth and want to get to know your pres. better watch that video.

    But to those of you reading this who still think it matters democrat republican what ever WAKE up it matters not even WHO you vote for any more the last 3 elections have proven that they have controll over it.Who ever the World Bank wants there to be theyr puppet is who will get elected (unless you see our army headed back any time soon to retake controll of Washington )as our consitution actualy tells them to do in this kind of situation.we will never again have controll of our Gov. Medea or our schools and what our children are being taught.If you take a serrious look back into history you can trace it back even as far as T.Jeffersons notes about the illuminatiand theyr plans for how they would set up the new world order .Awell thought out and so far well orcestrated plan they are more than half way theyr .But it was John F Kennedy that tryed to warn us in his speaches thats why he was shot listen to his speaches. His words tell it all , whats happening right now he tryed to warn us he saw it comming.

    The pres is just a puppet, who cares what his name is or what he says he stands for. Its the bankers running the country not him. They had alotta people fooled untill they did 911 that actualy woke some of us up think it might have backfired on them to some point cause they left it so obvious they did it.Do the homework dont believe anything sept for what you see for yourself please look , do research.

    Doesnt take long to see the truth .Doesnt take long to figure out how the BBC accedently reported the solomin brothers building coming down oops 20 min before it collapsed.

    As Silverstien put it after he gave the command to Pull.

    Doesnt take a scientist with a PHD like Dr, Judy Wood to figure out a 110 story building cant come down in 10 seconds without some help.Though i did like her presentation.

    What she found is prob. what scared the h**l out of north korea and made them start freaking out.

    Its also probly why China has recently anounced its putting more sattelites in space alot more.Judies got it down to a science litteraly just think 47 story tall building has a higher rubble pile than 2 110 story buildings hmmm time to do some math .

    Hope this tube 911 ripple effect or 911 coincidences 911 truth or

    look up loose change if you never have ive resurched all theyr material for months and others but anyway they did a good job and all theyr info IS FACT .There Are others out there though ,some are out there to misslead you just pay atention to the proof easy stuff like all the documented but not made public( through so called Media) sooo many people in the buildings and all around saw and heard the bombs going off sooo many people know first hand and reported the demolition but not mainstreem media.

    Was no surprise to me at all when i read in the news that Tony Blair joined J P Morgan when you see the big picture and put all the banker pieces together rothchild and such you too will not be surprised it is actualy a step on a list checked off.

    try to prove me wrong in any of this PLEASE that means your finding truth sory this truth hurts but just think of what the firemen with 30 years in that have to keep theyr mouth shut have to go through

    PS there is something created by a man with the last name of Tesla who created a device called HARP with wich they can change the weather if they want to some degree theyve been messing with it for over 30 years now .Look it up ill give you a hint hes the man that made it possible for us to all have electicity in our homes.He also created many things like wireless and free electicity cause he dreamed of someday even the porrest having it he gave his inventions away free.Research find out the real TRUTH wikipedia is not a reliable truthfull source NOT.

  7. There are scientists on both sides that have different opinions. They generally agree that the earth is warming now. They just strongly disagree on who and/or what is causing it.

    Global warming is the prediction from a large number of Scientists that Humans are causing the earths climate to climb beyond what would occur naturally that will lead to the Destruction of our Planet from AGW (Anthropogenic Global Warming).

    There is also a large number of Scientists that predict that the earth is simply in a warming cycle and that we humans have a small effect (if any) on the climate changes. They do not claim the doom & gloom but agree we MUST recycle when possible and conserve our natural resources.

    The term global warming is a political term and is misleading. For the most part everyone agrees that we are warming up gradually the big and I mean big question is why and what is causing it?

    There may be evidence that the earth is warming, but no real scientific fact to support why it is.

    Most articles from both sides are just articles that base little on fact and more on short term evidence.

    I think for the most part, the discussion on (Global Warming) is much like our modern day court system. Both sides just try to prove their side with hundred of websites all claiming to disprove the other, or no real proof. Both sides have extreme activists. Money and politics are major players, and the right thing or the moral thing to do is not high on the priorities list.

    The only difference from our court system is that the global warming issue has no short term answer that would be equivalent to jury and /or Judge.. only time holds our future or fate. I would keep in mind that either side may be found to be wrong.

    I believe we have a responsibility to conserve energy, preserve our environment and recycle everything that is feasibly possible.

    I do not believe that we are causing a doom & gloom warming catastrophe. I do know that we need to prepare now by conserving energy, preserving nature and preparing for the next climate change (whether it continues to heat up or we start a cooling cycle).

    You can generally tell the AGWers apart they tend to use terms like never, always, and can't this shows a very closed minded person. We need to try not to refer to people as idiots. The AGW'ers don't like being called names.

  8. Majority of who?  Which "scientists" are you talking about?

  9. And they say the education system is broken.  

    A lot of people who "believe" in AGW understand physics and chemistry and stuff.  Clearly, people who aren't fettered by the shackles of knowledge are freer to not get taken in by logic, inference, deduction, and objective evaluation of evidence.  Once you don't understand what is going on in terms of the basics, disbelieving anything is possible.  

    For example, I know that organic molecules don't last very long in the stratosphere (the combination of hard UV radiation and ozone is very good at turning organics into CO2 and water vapor) and I know that the stratosphere and the troposphere don't exchange air very well so stuff in the stratosphere stays there for a long time.  Therefore, because I know and understand these facts, I think the idea of chemtrails is poppycock.  But people who don't understand these basic facts of atmospheric chemistry and dynamics are *certain* that *somebody* is using the stratosphere as a chemical delivery medium.  AGW is like that, where people who don't understand the chemistry and physics are certain something can't be a problem.  

    In general, never believe anyone who tells you something you want to do is a bad idea.  Always believe people who tell you what you want to hear.

  10. Because the vast majority of scientists DO say it's real and mostly caused by us.  Proof:

    The wiki article is just a list of easily checkable facts, not opinion.

    EVERY major scientific organization says it's real and mostly caused by us.

    The National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Meteorological Association, etc.

    Many conservatives also agree:

    "Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich challenged fellow conservatives to stop resisting scientific evidence of global warming"

    "National Review (the most prestigious conservative magazine) published a cover story calling on conservatives to shake off denial and get into the climate policy debate"

    "Pat Robertson (very conservative Christian leader) 'It is getting hotter and the ice caps are melting and there is a build up of carbon dioxide in the air.  We really need to do something on fossil fuels.”

    The bottom line:

    "The fact that the community overwhelmingly supports the consensus is evidenced by picking up any copy of Journal of Climate or similar, any scientific program at the meetings, or simply going to talk to scientists. I challenge you, if you think there is some un-reported division, show me the hundreds of abstracts that support your view - you won't be able to. You can argue whether the consensus is correct, or what it really implies, but you can't credibly argue it doesn't exist."

    NASA's Gavin Schmidt

    Good websites for more info:

    "climate science from climate scientists"

  11. there are a lot of weird people out there

    some believe they are witches, warlocks, pagans,

    there are some that think they are animals, aliens.

    some people believe in ghost, and UFOs

    why not people that believe in global warming.

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