
Why would anyone buy cigarette papers when they buy their own cigarettes, would it be for drugs?

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Why would anyone buy cigarette papers when they buy their own cigarettes, would it be for drugs?




  1. it's either because they also 'role their own' as well, but usually it's because they smoke pot, and have to make it with those papers..

  2. Doesn't have to be for drugs. It's cheaper to buy tobacco and papers and roll your own, in Britain at least.  

  3. yes that's it that's all, and don't let them tell ya different

  4. i buy loose tobacco and roll my own but yes a lot buy them for drugs in a few states i know that you can not buy papers unless you are also buying the loose tobacco with it..buying loose tobacco and papers and rolling my own saves me almost eight thousand a year on the cost of cigarettes

  5. that's the most likely reason

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