
Why would anyone eat a corn dog??

by  |  earlier

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Please, no "because it tastes good" answers! That is NOT a satisfactory response in this case.

I've managed to get through several decades of life without ever having eaten (or even seen, before today) a corn dog!

While watching TV news today, I saw a story showing just what a corn dog is. It starts out with a WIENER (something almost no one would eat if they knew what they were made of) which is then spun into some YELLOW GLOP (who knows what's in that stuff?) and then dipped in HOT GREASE!!

Why would anyone put something so completely unhealthy into their bodies?




  1. The yellow "Glop" as you call it is corn bread batter. And the grease holds it together

  2. well i agreee with you i normly eatcorn dogs at school so i had something to eat

  3. i have no idea i hate corn dogs. when i was little myh brother and sister tried to make me eat one and i hated them.  they are disgusting!! not i no what they are made of i will never eat or look at one! NASTY!

  4. Salutations,

    It has been said "Anyone who loves the Law or hot dogs should watch neither being made" I know how they are made, and I still love a good Hot Dog. And corn dogs rock! I like to put spicy mustard, chili sauce, and raw onion on mine. Very messy, but delish. that's why I eat them, because I like to. Cheers

  5. It may be unhealthy but it's one of America's favorite snacks. It's not spun in yellow GLOP, its corn batter. It's basically just like eating a hot dog but you have, like, cornbread around it. I don't see why having one once in a while is bad for you? You sound so serious. Believe me, there are more unhealthy foods out there besides corndogs.

  6. Because the kids like 'em

  7. It's just a hot dog wrapped in corn bread. If you don't want one don't eat one. Personally I find them to be quite tasty.

  8. Practically everyone I know, including myself, eats hotdogs AND corndogs. And where do you live anyway? Obviously not in the U.S.! Where ever it is, have you ever stopped and considered that maybe some of the things you eat would be totally disgusting to ppl here?

    Oh, and they DO taste good! Why else would someone eat them, we sure don't eat them because they taste nasty!

  9. NO! They're so nasty! I practically barfed trying to get though the corn outside.  

  10. Lol, I know it is so disgusting how it is made! :P

    Yet, I had one yesterday... hahahah.


  11. well they do taste good

  12. their good, plus i need a little fat in my diet.


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