
Why would anyone fake being a feminist, when they are a man?

by  |  earlier

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are there realy such people?

what are they up to?




  1. Yes, unfortunately some fems have brought males to their side of the spectrum!  

  2. Why would someone assume that manhood and feminism are mutually exclusive?

  3. Are you one of the men faking as a feminists? Just wondering.

  4. Some men seem to enjoy dressing up in women's clothes.

    Why wouldn't some get the same thrill pretending to be an enraged woman?

  5. Men can be feminists.  I don't know why anyone would bother to fake feminism.  I can't imagine there would be much to gain from it, unless it's a person who enjoys conflict for its own sake.

  6. self-hating?

  7. Oops. Looks like my little fan club of the all the various voices inside his head has created another avatar for itself. It's responding to its own questions.  

  8. So why do so many of the man-hating feminists like to pretend that they're men? Is it their inner wish to be men?

  9. A critique of the conventional roles played by subjects in social life necessarily involves an analysis of a subject as adhering to specific sexual behaviour.  

  10. hard to say, trolling, perverted, who knows?


    Aqua, i think everyone knows

  11. The only reason to "fake" being a modern Feminist I can possibly surmise is an utter lack of sophistication in the underlying hatred of this philosophy.  If it's a man, either he simply doesn't understand what modern Feminism is all about or he somehow wishes to engage in masochistic behaviour or perhaps win favour with modern Feminists.  It's odd behaviour, nonetheless.

  12. In this forum I've seen men try to fake being feminists to mock them by asking incredibly stupid questions; other men have faked being feminists by asking hostile and negative questions that "radical" feminists are suppose to believe-like why are men all rapists or why are all men stupid. How do I know? They make mistakes and ask the same question using multiple yahoo avatars and profiles. Or they admit it here on Yahoo GWS. Some have bragged about it to others on other blogs (I have no idea what there is to brag about).

    Some men have faked being feminists and answered questions as though they are lesbians who hate men or think they are superior to men. Why do they bother? Some think it's "funny" and it's all a joke. Others hate women and/or feminists and try to do what they can to make them "look bad". Some are just nuttier than fruitcakes-why else would they do it? lol    

  13. dont trust a guy like that... hes jus trying to get in ur pants... guys like that pretend they support feminists... but its all a trick... there telling u wat they think u want to here jus to get on ur gud side.. so ull sleep with them...

  14. A man can be a feminist, look at Alan Alda. But I have no idea why a man would fake being a woman who is being a feminist. Maybe to make Feminist look stupid? Or to undermine them. I don't think he'd do it to be a m*******t, maybe for the feel of power

  15. i thought it was part of the job description of a feminist that you be a man

    or at least look and act and dress like a man

  16. A man can be a feminist. I know some who are. But why anyone would fake being a feminist, who knows?

  17. Why would a man not be able to be a feminist?

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