
Why would anyone seriously want to deny the moon landings?

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It would be impossible to fake.

Moon dust samples were brought back. The Russians, Chinese and probably Europeans would have "bubbled" you for sure if this weren't true.

Do moon landing deniers party on Saturday nights with holocaust deniers, I wonder? Also seven missions! How can anyone fake that?

Or do people just like to make money from conspiracy theories; and deny people genuine scientific credit?

Please submit your views.




  1. My daughter insists that the movies are fake, but they really went to the moon. They just recorded the footage elsewhere. I'm not sure what my position is.

    And the flag waving was because of the force. The person putting it up shook it, and there was nothing to slow it down.  

  2. The people that deny the moon landing are blinded from the clear science and logic by a cloud of their own ignorance.

    EDIT: And then you have people like "Angel G" who have no idea what they are talking about.

    The flag was held up by a horizontal bar, and it wasn't waving, it was crumpled. NEXT!

    Angel D: ya i sa d movie of Neil Armstrong on da moon it wasn't fake.

    EDIT 2: I can tell people are going to say that the footage was faked, so I might as well clear it up now.

    Multiple shadows: The moon's surface reflected the light onto the highly reflective lunar module, and astronauts space suits, thus creating the effect of multiple shadows.

    No stars visible: First of all, some stars were visible if you look close enough. The light from the moon's surface mixed with the crummy video technology of the 70's and few stars are visible.

    TO ALL MOON-HOAXERS: How do you explain the laser reflectors left on the moon? Robotic technology didn't exist then. And don't deny that they aren't there, because astronomers use them today.

    And if anyone was going to say it was a fake, it would be the Russians. But then you have the total loons that say the cold war was a government conspiracy.

    And for those who would like to say that the radiation would kill them, the astronauts were only subjected to 2 rems of radiation over a period of 30 minutes. The lethal dose is 350-400 rems over the period of 1-2 hours.

    EDIT 3: I too doubt they have parties... they probably don't have the cerebral capacity to perform social functions. They are too busy glued in front of their computer screen watching You Tube videos trying to look for one shred of evidence. Try as the might, they can't find any so they try to pass off these absurd theories.

    EDIT 4: Angel D I have a hard time believing you go to Yale. And if you are studying to be a lawyer, then you shouldn't be so gullible to believe anything. And a Yale student should know how to spell, or Yale is less of a school than I thought.

    And the moon landing is not an OPINION. It is a FACT!

    EDIT 5: Kay T, I respectfully disagree with your statement about young children not being able to imagine the world without special effects. I'm not sure if that is really fair to say. I think that the problem is that children simply don't know any better and will believe anything You Tube feeds them.

  3. I am 100% sure that it was real. If it was fake the USSR would have noticed and said something. I think that there are 3 kinds of "the moon landings were fake people"

    1. Hippies

    2. People that don't know science

    3. People seeking profit

  4. its fake

    like if u saw d movie of neil armstrong

    with the flag,u can see dat the flag is weaving

    like air is hitting it

    theres no air in space

    the guy above me has an opinion!!!!

    hes giving you his,and im giving you mine.

    i truly believe that its a hoax.

    the government wants to make people belive

    that they went to the moon.prabaly because

    they where not proggressing in technologies.

    the russians were the first in space,not the americans.

    also im not a sucker like the dumbass below me

    im a straight a student,im studying to be a lawyer.

    i go to yale university

  5. $$$$$$$$$

    they wanna make books movies or anything else to make money and "educate" the public.

  6. I think most of the ones who believe it was faked are just too young to have been here.  They can't imagine a world without special effects, PCs, video games, cell phones, and photoshop.  Then too, some people are just gullible.

    I think Flying Car is mistaken about Hippies, though.  They were here when the Moon landings happened.  I doubt that there are any more Hippies who fall for the "faked landings" foolishness than the general population.

    The ones who make up the hoax foolishness probably do it to sell books.

  7. because they are dumb single minded fools they fail to see scientific fact. this country would not have put millions of dollars into a space/ lunar mission program just so we could shoot a movie on a stage.

  8. Well people just don't now anything about the moon and people actually landed on it. I believe that people landed on the moon.

  9. In answer to your question, I feel it is "unknown" as to why anyone would go so far as to deny the moon landings.  I, personally, feel that "they" (the moon landings) took place and I feel that you answered your own question!  "Moon dust samples (and also rocks) were brought back." "Also seven missions!  How can anyone fake that?"

    I believe one of the most important things that you didn't mention but that proves it, for me, anyway, is that Scientists actually went and came back and told about it!  Harrison Schmidt was an actual scientist, a geologist, and therefore, why would he speak about it, if it weren't true, I mean that they did actually go there and experienced those "things".

  10. whoever denies the landing on the moon is blind, there is a load of evidence that we landed on the moon.

  11. What they just can't stand is that it was done by America.  

  12. Look at Angel G's grammar and spelling.  That is a perfect example of the type of person who believes it was all a hoax.  Well, I guess there are people who need something - anything - to believe in, no matter how ignorant and farfetched it is. P.T Barnum sure was right - there is a sucker born every minute!

  13. There's money in it.

  14. Probably because there is someone out there willing to debunk anything.  Any little view you might have, someone is out there ready to say "wrong!"

    Also, some things may just seem to inconceivable to someone to be acceptable.  There are a bajillion people willing to debunk any kind of idea of life on other planets because it's just too beyond their imagination to accept.

    I very much doubt the debunkers hold parties together though lol

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