
Why would anyone think a dozen F 22 raptors would attack a country the size of Godwanaland??

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quit being weeded and wake up to reality.

we live in a nuclear age.

dont be fooled by chuck norris or rambo. or playstation 3 for that matter.

diplomacy is our only option.then economic sanctions.




  1. "dont be fooled by chuck norris or rambo"

    Yes, because every great Commander in Chief has modeled their attack strategy after Walker Texas Ranger and First Blood Part 2.  Little talking, a little round house kick...and then blow people up with exploding arrows.

  2. Who said that?

    Why waste the fuel and ordinance.

  3. who knows

  4. "Speak softly but carry a big stick."  Theodore Roosevelt.

    It's nice to have a squadron of F 22s up your sleeve.

  5. The squadron of F-22s would not attack Russia, they would patrol over Georgia and defend it from Russian air planes. The F-22 is the best air superiority fighter in the world and is more than capable of defeating any of Russia's fighters or bombers. In training, 1 F-22 has routinely defeated other aircraft (F-16s, F-15s, etc.) at more than a 10 to 1 ratio.

    Without air superiority, the Russian attack on Georgia would not be able to continue. This is why a single squadron of F-22s could defend our ally and end this mess without resorting to nuclear weapons.

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