
Why would anyone throw away a baby?

by  |  earlier

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I just cant understand why anyone would just abandon a infant or child what could make anyone do that I herd someone left a infant in the dumpster at our local hospital, well I am here to say please for gods sake dont throw a baby away just call someone anyone a random number in the phone book I know if someone would have called me I would have went to get it..




  1. Because some people are just selfish and don't think about anyone else's needs but their own.  Other times they didn't know they were pregnant or were raped so instead of terminating the pregnancy they decide the best way is to leave it in a dumpster, or a toilet, or stab it to death.

  2. there was no reason to do that considering every state has a no questions asked policy in which you can leave your newborn at a hospital or fire station and walk away, thereby relinquishing your rights as a parent.  Some people don;t know that this exists, and even if they do they are sometimes ridiculed for going to legal route and doing it the safe way for the infant.

  3. I agree with you.  People who do this need help.  There are so many options available in today's society if you feel you are not able to raise a child.  Many places even offer "safe houses" where you can leave a child with no questions asked and no penalties for doing so.  It is so heartbreaking to hear stories like this, especially when so many people would give anything to be able to have a child.

  4. yea-l cant think why anyone would do that-maybe mentally unstable?- maybe-the mother didn't--but the father or someone did?who knows??lam not saying there is any excuse -but who knows what depths of despair that mother may be in?.l saw a film once-true story- where the girls father said the baby was dead- and he had dumped baby on side of road-so who knows? Only God can truly judge.

  5. In china people do that because the have to pay to keep there 2nd child. but that is just rude

  6. Of course, everyone DOESN'T want a baby. Some are scared, or they can't provide a home for the baby and panic. Not every girl or woman wants children, and this is an easy way out. Since the dumpster babies had started and grew in popularity, many states have a no questions asked policy. Not every panicked young pregnant homeless woman has access to news and local events, so into the dumpster it goes. It happens. It's sick. But they child could have grown hungry and beaten. because the mother kept it. Sometimes death is prayed for. It's easier than fighting death. A mother chooses death for a newborn, she thinks its best, only because of ignorance and lack of resources.

  7. Drugs.

  8. people are monsters sometimes thats why they do things like that, babies are so precious, and some people do not deserve those little blessings!!!

  9. They are bad people

  10. Problems.Scared etc. I am always emotional when i hear such stories of innocent babies that are abandoned. Their are so many safe havens to leave these unwanted children. If someone would call me as well i wouldnt hesitate neither or ask questions. Many of these babies are abandoned by young moms whom are afraid to let their parent(s) know. It is so sad

  11. I don't understand this either.  Most states now have a law where you can take your unwanted child to a hospital, police station, or fire station with no questions asked.  When you have this option I don't understand how you could throw away your baby.

  12. Its an extreme level of selfishness.

  13. some paernts are on drugs and do stuff unbeliveable then others cant take care and are ashamed

  14. its deffinately 18 year old girl gave birth to her baby in her bathroom and then threw it away in her garbage and now like a month or so later they are just discovering this and shes getting away with it because they dont know if it was dead when she gave birth with it... if it was dead before she gave birth with it wouldnt you think she would go to the hospital and have it taken care of? she was just probably too young and stupid and didnt want the can people be so sick... i would never do that in a million years...havent these people heard of adoption?

  15. Probably because they were girls, who wanted to secretly hide their pregnancy.

  16. I really don’t  know its quite sad. Many cities now have baby drop offs. A mother or anyone can drop a baby off at a hospital, fire stations no questions asked. At the most leave your child on someone’s front doorstep but to leave them in the trash is just horrible and cruel.  

    It make no sense person has child , dosent aborted only to put baby in trash after its born. WTH???? In most cases like this woman likely hid pregnancy from family/friends etc. So baby could be malnourished as well, as mother likely not have prenatal checkups, probalby didn't eat well. Might have been hoping that baby would die due to poor nutrition etc.

  17. Cuz they are stupid, selfish spoild idiots that only care for themselves. You can't be that stupid as to not  think, hey i'll just drop you off at a church or somewhere that you could be taken care of. It just blows my mind that people can KILL innocent helpless babies. Yes, if someone called me and said hey take my baby cuz i'm gonna throw her in a dumpster if you don't, i'd do it so quick you wouldn't think someone could move that fast.

  18. people are sick, some sick in the head,  personally i think the parent should be shot! or thrown in jail.

  19. i know people are very sick.

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