
Why would anyone vote for McCain when he supports legalized kidnapping?

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  1. i watched that entire video and he never once does he say he supports legal kidnapping. what do you expect him to do? he isn't president yet...and he knew hardly anything about her case. he said he would do what he could...and of course he would.  

  2. He supports quicker, easier adoptions. The state he is speaking in only allows 15 days from the date the child is born for the father to get a paternity test and have his name submitted on the birth certificate. That rule alone is horrifying for fathers....much less McCain's desire that it go even more quickly and easily. I wonder if he ever bothered to 'check out' the girls not.

  3. I wouldn't vote for McSame.  It is really sad that McSame is so anti American.  He stands for everything the 50 year old McCain stood against now.  Torture of POWs.  

  4. lol..he avoids the question yes..what do you want him to say? he doesn't know her situation or the circumstances..neither do you.  

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