
Why would anyone vote for someone who hates America.?

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Alll that BHO can say is criticism about his opponent's party. Why, why, why, is anyone in favor of him. Are you just refusing to listen to the truth about William Ayers, or are you just blind? Could it be that you refuse to believe the truth? Please ask yourself. Is your vote going to elect a person who has been a personal friend of this American hater, William Ayers?




  1. No candidate hates America... saying things like that makes your points and arguments seem childish.  The only people that will listen to your arguments are people that completely agree with you... and if this is the case then why even bother to post a question like this?

    Are you just wanting stroking?  Good god, adopt a dog then.

  2. They are sheep: they listen to the majik words of the shepherd and follow him blindly.

    Sunshine, you just proved your ignorance to the world in your answer. Shame on you.

  3.    Obama is swarmed by extremely poor judgement in his intimate friendships, serious doubts about his Muslim beliefs, his "just under the radar" anti-American attitude and his continued failure to produce a certified and valid birth certificate.  His "corrupt" actions in ACORN in Chicago, his poor record of keeping his campaign promises to his District, his continued failure to DEFINE all this "change and Hope" jingoism and ONCE to tell the public about his Global Poverty Program that will cost billions.  He has avoided and dodged and NONE of his "followers" will ever believe this man is a fraud and all "puff and fluff".  Fortunately, McCains VP pick now dooms Obama back to his violent District in Chicago.  

  4. Give it up!

    People are going to vote for Obama because McCain just torpedoed himself by picking an inexperienced running mate from Alaska.

    Not because of some old recycled news that ONLY the hateful religious right keep spewing in hopes that it will continue to divide America even further.

    Just in case you DIDN'T notice, but Obama said: "God Bless America"--not "Praise Be To Allah."-when he showed up unexpectedly on the second night of the Democratic convention.

    Shows how much you know about the man--other than your vindictive HATE.

  5. this election is turning into a war.

  6. You have been watching too much FOX news.

    To them, if you repeat lies enough times they become the truth.

    To Obama, if everything is fine then why change. He sees what's wrong and wants to change it. He's like a parent who doesn't hate his child, but hates the behavior. Please don't confuse the two.  

  7. When the liberals don't care about his terrorist and mafia ties, it is beyond hope.  Not to mention that socialism is Big Brother, what we've all been trying to avoid.

    A Proud Republican

  8. What world do you live in?  It must be nice to listen to media sound bites or read 10 words in an article and have your mind made up.  It's simple and doesn't require any thought whatsoever.  And you get to help decide my president.  God bless America.

    William Ayers is a tenured professor - if you have a problem with him, try to get him fired.  Obama met him in 1995 - and Ayers 'radical activism' took place in the 1960's.  Give me an effing break.  You will actually believe that given these facts, Obama must hate America.  Your logic is broken and wrong, and evidently you did not watch his speech.  Are you against Obama or all democrats?

  9. I have no idea why they would. The guy wont even wear an American flag pin on his suit. How patriotic of him!!!

  10. John McCain hates the military.

    Look at his service record... he got captured because he SCREWS EVERYTHING UP he touches.

  11. Anti Christ  Told--lol never know!!!


  12. I thought you were talking about yourself

  13. they dont like the people that like him and want to shove it in the other peoples face  

  14. so its anti America to say criticisms of republicans? I think you need to go bake to school and take U.S history

  15. Exactly he just wants to destroy us and our way of life he may be the anti Christ too  

  16. EASY but ignorantly


  17. Nobody ever thought this guy will make it this far. I think his success so far is contributed to

    1. His worshipers in the media cheerleading for him 24/7 and this intense media coverage fooled many people.

    2. The college kids and blacks who are voting for the celeb. figure and because he's black, not based on issues.

    3. Political correctness . His race helped him a lot and many media pundits were scared to go too far in criticizing him. No white candidate ever can  overcome scandals like Wright comments, his church, "bitter" comment, "typical white person" comment, ayers connection, Rezko deal, and his wife comments of "first time to be proud of her country" and "America is downright mean country" . Half of these scandals would make any other candidate quit the race long time ago. Double standards and political correctnesss helped him pass through these major hits. Sad, but true.

  18. I agree, under no circumstances should someone who betrayed his country to the NVA be elected president!

  19. I'd never vote for such a candidate!

    Edit:  Princess Zelda:  I realized my original answer didn't pertain to this question, so I made the correction and simplified it - thanks for the heads-up - sorry.

  20. Hussein Obambam is a total loser, a skunk,  a punk, a kenyan.  He was born in KENYA as the law suit will soon prove.

  21. I can't understand it myself.....

  22. Why would someone of his means even stay in the country if he hated America?  Let alone run for presidency?

    Your "logic" is severely flawed and stupid.

  23. seriously, i understand that your not going to vote for him.. but are you really gonna say that he hates america??  come on now.

    did you forget about mccain dumping his disabled wife?  

  24. OBAMA '08

  25. for this reason and many others I just can't trust senator Obama

  26. I couldn't agree with you more on this one!

    I read the Hopemeister's groupie answers and it just proves how they think. It's a sad day in America where Americans think it's okay to put down the greatest country in the world. That's all Obama does too. They put down our country and make us appear weak to our enemies and then blame President Bush for making America a disgrace. They worry more about what other countries think of us. It makes no sense at all to me.

    We just have to pray that there are more Americans that know the truth and Obama will not be elected. You will not be able to change these people's minds. They just can't see it. I feel very sorry for them.

    If Obama is elected, they will see how wrong they were. Only problem is we will have to suffer the consequences of their mistake.

    Vote Smart!

    Consider Your Children and Grand-Children;

    Their Future Is In Our Voting Hands!

    United We Stand, Divided We Fall!

    "The invisible Money Power is working to control and enslave mankind. It financed Communism, Fascism, Marxism, and Socialism. All of these are directed to making the United States a member of One World Government."


  27. 36 million people casted votes for Obama and Hillary so the Dems have no issue voting for someone that hates America.

  28. William Ayers is running for president?

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