
Why would anyone want a designer v****a?

by  |  earlier

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We are told that today's silly fillies now want cosmetic surgery on the v***a and to have their vaginal muscles tightened. What are they thinking of? I am not in favour of surgical vanity, but this takes the biscuit. If those ludicrous collagen injected puckered trout lips that some women have these days are anything to go by, we will be able to spot any female who has had surgery by her "silly walk"!




  1. I wouldn't :)  

  2. I'm all for it, especially if they provide logos on my labia.


  3. My one is designer :L

    Its the Hannah one =)


  4. I must say if my v****a looked like it had elephant ears hanging down from it then I would definitely go for a designer v****a.

  5. They are oh so 'na moda' here in Rio. Just have a gander at the rows of bundas on the beaches, and you'll see tufts of surgical swabbing poking out around the dental-floss thongs. These gatas must have vaginas made of steel...they'll risk getting sand between the stitches...Aye!

  6. See now we know surgery has gone too far.

  7. I know someone who had their vaginal muscles tightened, this was years ago. (A good twenty)

    She had complained that their sexual pleasure was effected due to small size of, "the love of her life's", p***s.

    The relationship lasted a long time, but now, with a different "love of her life" it is very painful during penetration due to his larger than average (much) size.

    I say leave it alone.

  8. You know what they say old girl, loose lips sink ships. Mrs Humfrey's was aboard the Bismarck when it sank you know! would explain a lot. Tip top (Tuck)  

  9. Frankly, I would be more than a little afraid of my p***s getting stuck in such a contraption.

  10. well i would like to get one too, but i heard is a lil bit expensive i will like to fix a lot of things and my labia would be the first thing but not tightened my muscles

  11. It isn't as if that many people would see it anyway. Would they???

    You can do exercises if you want strong muscle to please your partner.

    Usually after having babies can cause the muscles to weaken.

  12. it is pathetic to be honest. why change your v****a, everybodys v****a comes in different shapes and sizes, and to get completly re-done is absolutley crazy.

  13. We wouldn't need designer jeans anymore,,,,might save us a bundle.

  14. I disagree that a designer labia is probably 'the start of a slippery slope' - it might not end up being a slippery slope at all!

    A 'Gucci' label, matching gold trim and a small pouch to accommodate a mobile phone could well be out of fashion by next season... so don't mess with the curtains.

    Pouting lips... mmmmmmmm!  : )

  15. For the same reason women want fake b*****s, and for the same reason men and women get nose jobs and work done to their faces. Sometimes it is for the right reason; other times it is for unhealthy reasons masking bigger emotional issues.

    To each their own.

  16. De Cat are you suggesting your device would just be too enormous to fit it? *snorts*

    I hereby declare they should take measurements of Sir De Cat's fright simulator before the proceedure, so he doesn't miss out on all the steam pumping engine on contraction engine action.

  17. they will only do it because some guy has taken the mick out of it or something

  18. Mine looks OK anyway.

    What kind of man is worth paying 1000s of pounds for a certain v****a or do these women try and show it off to everybody to get their money's worth?

    I quite like it that mine is all tucked inside though and I think some women with large labia find it uncomfortable, so I would agree if it was causing a woman pain.

  19. I think it is rediculous! If we were all supposed to look the same don't you think he would have made us all the same??

  20. As it is, albeit at one remove, done to please a man, it is at one end of a continuum.  At the other end is full female circumcision.  Ugh - a slippery slope we could do without.  There is, however, medical need sometimes for putting right the ravages of childbirth.

    The cosmetic levelling up of the labia seems to be a recent idea, brought about by the success of the cosmetic surgery industry in getting onto television where such ideas can be made to seem commonplace and even desirable.   It recently even found its way onto the Embarrassing Illnesses programme here in the UK, a programme with a veneer of medical respectability.  Channel 4, being a commercial channel, was undoubtedly in league with the private surgeon.  Like the desire for whiter than white teeth, it is probably here to stay until the next fashionable operation takes its place – ear removal, perhaps, or labia lengthening.

    Edit:  Of course, there is nothing new under the sun.  As you may know, in 1499 a Spaniard called Fernando de Rojas wrote a book about La Celestina, who ran a brothel and profited handsomely from sewing up her prostitutes so she could pass them off as virgins again and again.  Ouch!

  21. Well I would find it great fun to to see my name on a v***a, a bit like a door mat with WELCOME on it.

    If surgery helps I say why not.

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