
Why would anyone want to go into MMA after seeing how those guy's ears look?

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I mean some MMA fighters have ears that look like they have been chewed by a gnome or something. I like fighting and even think scars bring character, but I'm sure the ladies don't think those ears are s**y.




  1. the cauliflower ears dont come from the MMA fighting it comes from their wrestling days in college and highschool.  very few people get the ears in MMA the ones that have it got it before the swap over to the sport.  and its just one of the things that coem with the territory.  hoickey players are missing teeth soccer players have rat tail hair do's and football playerhave scarred arms. every sport has a problem its just wether your going to deal with it oir not

  2. Do you honestly think women give a c**p about a guys ear.  Those guys in MMA have money (well the good ones) and women are after that (well most anyhow).

    Really go into MMA because it is their passion, same reason a boxer is a boxer, a doctor is a doctor and so on and so on and so on.

    I am a huge MMA fan and my boyfriend use to do MMA (non professional) and I could give a shitless what his ears are like, just as long as he is happy.

  3. you have to be a tough sob or just stupid.

  4. because you are a super bad *** when you have cauliflowered ears and have the damage to prove it. Secondly look at how much *** that Randy Couture pulls, that guy has the most cauliflowered ears in the business and still nails hot chicks on the reg. Thirdly cauilflowered ears are looked at as trophies, you know how you get cauliflowered ears?? being in A LOT of fights, and everyone knows that, MMA athletes wear them with huge amounts of pride.  Lastly, if that is the only reason stopping you from wanting to train, as soon as they get ruptured and start to swell, you can have a doctor or trainer drain them with a needle and seringe, kinda nasty but your ear will still look the same.

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